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Given the type of housing proposed, revisions to the proposal, the applicant's desire to retain <br />the existing home on -site (and the desirability of retaining a historic residence on- site), and the <br />direction to construct parking for the existing home, staff recommends that the Commission <br />support rezoning the site to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) District to allow flexibility in <br />development standards. <br />Fencing <br />During the Work Session, it was suggested that a low hedge or decorative picket style fence be <br />used for the units along St. John Street to create a more inviting front facade and that a <br />masonry wall be used for the rear units to provide sound attenuation and a buffer for the rear <br />neighbors on St. Mary Street. Low hedges and picket style fencing are not proposed; however, <br />staff has added a condition of approval that 42- inch -tall picket style fencing be used for units <br />7 -10. A 6- or 7 -foot tall precast concrete wall is proposed along the project site's rear property <br />line. The applicant has stated to staff that all parties that share the project site's rear property <br />line will continue to discuss and come to an agreement on the final height of the wall prior to its <br />installation. <br />Parking Standards <br />Single- family homes and separately owned townhomes are required to have two parking spaces <br />per unit, with at least one of the spaces covered in a garage or carport. The applicant is <br />providing two covered spaces per townhouse unit via two -car garages. The City encourages, <br />and often requires, on -site guest parking for single - family or townhome projects when there isn't <br />on- street parking provided within the project. During the Work Session, one of the residents of <br />the townhomes on the north side of St. John Street requested that additional parking be <br />provided on -site. The Commission recognized the constraints of the site given the location, <br />layout, density, etc. and ultimately directed the applicant to provide at least two on -site guest <br />parking spaces in addition to meeting the PMC minimum parking requirements for the <br />townhomes. The applicant has revised the plans to include two on -site guest parking spaces <br />and has provided the plan to the concerned neighbor prior to this Planning Commission hearing. <br />Furthermore, at least two additional on- street parking spaces will be provided on the south side <br />of St. John Street with the elimination of two of the three existing curb cuts along the project's <br />frontage. Please refer to the Analysis section of this report for a more detailed discussion on <br />parking. <br />Architecture and Design <br />Elevation drawings were not provided at the Work Session; however, a streetscape rendering of <br />the project site and the architectural concept were provided to the Planning Commission for <br />feedback. The streetscape image illustrated the townhouse units facing St. John Street and <br />included architectural features found in other existing buildings along St. John Street and <br />Downtown. Based on the rendering at the Work Session, the Commission was supportive of the <br />design. <br />The architecture remains the same; however, this will be the first time that the Commission will <br />have an opportunity to review the architecture of the southern (rear) units. The southern units <br />have garages on the front elevation; however, the units would not be highly visible from the <br />public right -of -way due to the location of the proposed front units on St. John Street. Please <br />refer to the Analysis section for a more detailed discussion on the design and architecture of the <br />buildings. <br />P16 -1201, PUD -120, & TRACT 8326 Planning Commission <br />7 of 32 <br />