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Additional Information Requests <br />Chair Ritter requested a 3 -D visual of the project and noted that since the homes are not three - <br />stories, he did not think story poles should be required. The Commissioners echoed Chair <br />Ritter's request. Staff notes that the requested visuals are included in Exhibit B. <br />Public Comments <br />The Planning Commission Work Session also provided the public with an opportunity to review <br />and comment on the proposed plan. Two residents provided comments at the Work Session. <br />Alice Mohr is one of three rear neighbors of the project site and noted that her attendance at the <br />meeting was to confirm that the development would not be three stories. She stated that three - <br />story structures would be out of character for this area and did not want a three -story house <br />behind her. Ms. Mohr also requested a masonry fence at the rear of the project site and <br />questioned whether a 16- to 20 -foot setback was appropriate if 30 feet is required. Ms. Mohr <br />noted that there is some parking on St. John Street and parking demand increases substantially <br />during scheduled Downtown events (i.e., First Wednesdays or Barone's on Thursday evenings). <br />Linda Behers lives in the townhome development on the north side of St. John Street, directly <br />across from the project site. Ms. Behers expressed concerns with existing parking on St. John <br />Street and requested that on -site guest parking be provided since on- street parking can be an <br />issue when activity levels Downtown are higher than normal (i.e., Alameda County Fair, <br />Barone's events, First Wednesdays). <br />Based on the feedback received at the March 23, 2016, Planning Commission Work Session, <br />the applicant has reduced the number of units from 12 to 11 in order to retain the existing <br />historic home on -site and provide two guest parking spaces for the development. The applicant <br />has also included a 6- to 7 -foot precast wall along the southern property line as a part of this <br />development. The March 23, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minute excerpts are provided <br />as Exhibit D. <br />SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTIONS <br />The subject site, comprised of three parcels on the south side of St. John Street, is <br />approximately 0.73 acres (31,798 square feet) in area, generally square in shape, and relatively <br />flat. There is perimeter fencing along the east, south, and west property lines and mature <br />landscaping and trees immediately adjacent to the existing, approximately 910 - square -foot <br />single -story dwelling, constructed in 1900, and detached garage. The home was included in the <br />City's Historic Resource Survey and was found to be a historic resource. There are mature <br />trees that border the southern portion of the site and mature landscaping (i.e., shrubs /bushes) <br />surrounding the dwelling unit. The subject site is currently accessible from three driveways off <br />St. John Street. <br />The properties adjacent to the subject parcel include townhomes to the north, across St. John <br />Street; a duplex and detached single - family homes to the east; single - family homes to the south, <br />and an apartment building to the west. The subject site is approximately 183 feet from the <br />Union Pacific Railroad tracks, measured from the tracks to the closest property line of the <br />subject site. Images 1 and 2 show an aerial and street -scene view of the subject site and <br />existing building. <br />P16 -1201, PUD -120, & TRACT 8326 Planning Commission <br />8 of 32 <br />