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Amos: It's not a part of our RHNA numbers because we've met all of the requirements for it. <br /> Rezoning this and adding these residential units on to it won't apply to it. They don't have to go <br /> through that process and it won't affect anything we have with those requirements. <br /> Commissioner Allen: So it doesn't help us meet our RHNA requirements. If it's built we never <br /> get credit for it in terms of RHNA numbers. <br /> Amos: Correct. <br /> Chair Ritter: But it could help workforce housing because they're studios, correct? <br /> Beaudin: Yes, and I think Natalie has answered your question pretty directly, but, I'll say that <br /> there's a regional need for housing. We have folks coming to the podium from time to time <br /> talking to us about the fact that they work at Workday and they cannot find a place to live in <br /> town. So the RHNA is certainly one component that we're looking at, but this project will come <br /> with affordable housing dollars that will go into other efforts in town to increase and diversify <br /> our housing stock. And you know that but I wanted to just put it out there for the conversation <br /> tonight. <br /> Commissioner Allen: Thank you. <br /> Chair Ritter: (A) Does the Planning Commission support demolishing the home and any <br /> related accessory structures? <br /> Chair Ritter: If we all agree, it's an easy one. <br /> All Commissioners: Yes. <br /> Chair Ritter: (8) Should the project be revised to conform to the existing Downtown Specific <br /> Plan Office designation (office on ground-floors and multi-family on the upper-levels)? And (C) <br /> If not, does the Planning Commission support site specific amendments to the General Plan <br /> and Downtown Specific Plan (and zoning district for this site)? <br /> Commissioner Allen: I'll go first. My answer is 'yes'. I believe this should be consistent with the <br /> spirit of the current General Plan and Specific Plan. I do recognize that long-term traditional <br /> office may not be appropriate, but there's an effort going on to look at that. I don't think it's <br /> appropriate for us to jump the gun and you might say overdo the residential side of this <br /> because it may be the answer is more retail belongs here. And the third point I want to make is <br /> that I think if we didn't support the spirit of the current zoning, it's very dangerous right now <br /> because we're setting a precedent for other properties around there. Mike mentioned the 10 <br /> unit apartment building that's right around the corner that's already approached staff about <br /> wanting to get away from Office and do something different. So I think we need to be very, <br /> very careful about jumping the gun and so that's why I think we need to follow the spirit. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: I'm conflicted. I don't understand why this one street is zoned Office <br /> when right next door it's not. And if we get away from the Office, and maybe I am jumping the <br /> gun, I think we're going to get away from Office down here if the City offices move, I don't think <br /> we're going to retain Office down here. So I'm concerned about having a project come through <br /> where we enforce a different parking regulation than something in a year or two or three from <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 12 of <br /> 22 <br />