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now we're going to change it all when everyone else is going to be off the hook. So I'm <br /> conflicted on this one because I'm usually pretty tight on parking. I just don't understand why <br /> this one has the Office designation; I mean I understand it's zoned that way, but why. <br /> Commissioner Allen: May I ask a process question to Commission O'Connor's answer? That <br /> would be, we're going to discuss parking later and not now. Is it fair for us—when I was <br /> answering this I was setting aside the parking question for a later discussion and I was just <br /> looking at the question asked about the intent of the zoning in terms of mixed use versus <br /> residence. So if we just stick with that purview of this question, we might be able to answer that <br /> and deal with parking later. That would be my suggestion on how this might be answered, and <br /> I'm wondering if that changes this. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: The conformity is on office on ground floor only for the two fronting <br /> buildings we're talking about? <br /> Weinstein: Again, that's staffs interpretation. We felt like that's a reasonable compromise or <br /> reasonable interpretation of how the Office district should be implemented on this site. You <br /> might have a different opinion, but that's just our suggestion; getting a little more office space <br /> on just the ground floor and only the buildings that front the street. We think that will bring this <br /> project into conformance with the Office district, but you might have different opinions on that. <br /> Commissioner Allen: And when you say office, you're talking office/retail, right? <br /> Weinstein: Yes, office space with really good floor plates that can be used as retail in the <br /> future. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: Without saying yes to this, Office cannot have residential on site, <br /> correct? That's the issue? <br /> Amos: For the zoning district; strictly for zoning, but the Specific Plan and General Plan could <br /> allow it. <br /> Commissioner Balch: But that's a Policy 15 question we were talking about earlier right? <br /> Weinstein: Policy 15 is the height question. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: So when there's conflict between the General Plan and Specific <br /> Plan, the General Plan prevails. So, should they conform to the existing Downtown Specific <br /> Plan guidelines? I would be inclined to say yes, it should conform if you can put retail there. <br /> Beaudin: Does the interpretation that Adam just gave resonate with you? Or, are you <br /> suggesting the entire ground floor of all structures on the property. I just want to make sure.... <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: Not all ground floor on the property, no. Where I'm conflicted with <br /> this obviously is that there are so many homes down there today that have been there for a <br /> long time and I don't see anybody at the prices you can get for a home, I can't see anybody <br /> tearing down a home and building something that's going to conform to this Office district. I <br /> don't see that happening. I think they are going to stay homes for a very long time which is why <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 13 of <br /> 22 <br />