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Commissioner Nagler: Just to follow up, and sort of come down to it, the conversation <br /> between staff and the applicant has really turned on the ground floor of Residence 1 which is <br /> the ground floor of the residence on the street on Old Bernal and the amount of parking. There <br /> is some discussion about the materials and architecture and such, but the discussion of <br /> whether it can sort of shoehorn into the current designation or with a slight change of policy is <br /> really about the ground floor and its proximity to the street. <br /> Weinstein: Yes, that's right. That's the gist of our conversations with the applicant. I do want to <br /> add that on the staff level at least, there's a lot to like about this project. There are a lot of <br /> things we really like about it. The architecture is something we like and the applicant has <br /> worked really hard with his design team on adjusting the architecture and making it even <br /> better. We like the fact that there's a mixture of residential units on the site, really small studio <br /> units, plus single family is great. So I don't want to understate the good things about the project <br /> as well, but we're just sort of debating internally how much residential should be on this site. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: It really comes down to that ground floor about one building, right? I <br /> mean, as far as where the conversation has at least gone between the staff and applicant. <br /> Beaudin: So we're in a position now where all ground floor office is not practical. It hasn't <br /> happened and we're in a position now where we can get a strong office corner and the <br /> possibility of, as Commissioner Nagler was mentioning, that residential unit fronting the street, <br /> has the potential for flexible space on the ground floor, and not the entire ground floor of that <br /> unit. So that's interesting to us and we think it meets the intent of the Code. We're trying to <br /> keep that on the dash as we're looking ahead because we all recognize that the existing <br /> Downtown Specific Plan is not functioning the way it should for certain areas of the downtown. <br /> Commissioner Balch: Can I just follow-up with you on that Gerry. I understand it comes back to <br /> the parking question. Given the site constraints, if the second residence did go as we're saying <br /> here, we'd be shy of potentially seven spaces or maybe less depending on the square footage <br /> of that, correct? Am I interpreting that correctly? <br /> Beaudin: That's the parking discussion that we need to have. This is a Planned Unit <br /> Development application. The applicant has the ability to request different parking <br /> requirements relative to the Code. We can, again, go back to the base zoning district which <br /> would apply anywhere in town and talk about the amount of parking that would be required for <br /> a commercial use like this. There is some possibility you could share the parking behind the <br /> mixed use building for that second mixed use building in this diagram. There are ways that you <br /> can play with the parking requirement if there's a desire to do that and we could talk a little bit <br /> about that. <br /> Chair Ritter: I think when we go through these, we might have questions. Is that okay? <br /> Commissioner Allen: Could I ask one question that's not on here at this moment? It's <br /> regarding RHNA. Could you just recap the implications of RHNA to add residences at this point <br /> in time? Do we receive any credit? <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 11 of <br /> 22 <br />