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residential above and three story, detached, single family homes with office space on the first floor is not in <br /> keeping with other homes in that neighborhood. <br /> Approval of this zoning and building plan sets a precedent that puts other historic neighborhoods at risk. It's <br /> called "Creep". Once the process is approved, developers see this as an opportunity to move into the <br /> neighborhoods expanding with three-story. imposing structures that compromise privacy of neighbors and <br /> change the character of what is a charming neighborhood. The addition of concentrated commercial and office <br /> space on the lower floors adds unwanted traffic and congestion to the residential neighborhood. <br /> We would ask Mike Carey, the owner, to rethink this plan and retain the historic home by modifying the design <br /> of the project. He has a reputation for including historic homes into his projects. There are precedents to <br /> protecting historic homes on commercial properties. Note the Hodnefield project at St. Mary and Peters Street. <br /> We ask that the city planners rethink this project and deny the certificate of appropriateness to demolish the <br /> existing historic home on the property at 4791 Augustine Street. <br /> Linda Garbarino, President <br /> Pleasanton Heritage Association <br /> forwarded message: <br /> From: Linda Garbarino <br /> Date: July 10, 2016 at 15:01:37 PDT <br /> To: Natalie Amos <br /> Subject: PUD-118 <br /> Hello Natalie, <br /> We were disappointed to find out very late about PUD-118, Mike Carey's proposed project involving <br /> residential property. This project has been in the works since January! We had no opportunity to <br /> attend the workshop or give input prior to receipt of the yellow card on July 6! This lack of timely <br /> communication is not typical for you. <br /> PHA should receive timely notice and input to projects within the DSP area. This omission clearly <br /> gives an advantage to the developer over concerned citizen's groups. Being a reputable 501(c) 3 <br /> non-profit group, why was PHA left out of this loop? <br /> I did speak Friday with Gerry Beaudin regarding the historic home and brick building at <br /> 4791Augustine Street property. He indicated that a historic survey was done. No resource finding for <br /> either structure is unfortunate! <br /> Input: After viewing staff report <br /> • Per DSP Design and Beautification Design Criteria (pages 73-76) <br /> -Policy 4 is very clear about the type and quality of materials "variety of stucco, brick, and wood <br /> facades" There should not be any exterior metal materials allowed. <br /> -Policy 5 encourages a variety of architecture and the DSP Land Use Policies 15 and Historic <br /> Preservation Policy 6 clearly limit height to 30 feet and require a recognizable architectural style, as <br /> 3 <br />