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on the Alviso Adobe Community Park, and 8) consider a staging area on the south side of the <br /> Austin property. <br /> Ms. Bengtson urged Commissioners to consider delaying approval of the MOU and consider <br /> the impacts to the Alviso Adobe Community Park. She felt there was no urgency for approval <br /> to be made at this time. <br /> Chairperson Wahl closed the meeting for public comment at 8:45 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Streng noted that the BPTC had questioned the location of the proposed <br /> bathrooms and referred to their comments in the staff report and there not being enough <br /> information to mitigate the concerns of neighbors. He advised the Committee also had <br /> concerns with the intersection and felt staff needed to look at this more closely and address <br /> the concerns. <br /> Commissioner Streng indicated that at the BPTC meeting he had voted in favor of approving <br /> the MOU, but after listening to comments from Mr. Kummer and Ms. Bengtson he was swayed <br /> and agreed with the Adobe being maintained as a historic park and suggested parking for the <br /> trail be split. He felt that the trail access will be an asset for Pleasanton and likes the <br /> commitment in the MOU for the Garms staging area to be completed. Commissioner Streng <br /> feels there is a way to accommodate parking and get trails. <br /> Commissioner Fields noted that she was a member of the original Alviso Adobe Task Force <br /> and parking in the original plan had been purposely deleted. She commented on major events <br /> held at the Adobe and her concerns with how to monitor parking for Adobe events and trail <br /> usage. Commissioner Fields commented on what was intended as a temporary solution <br /> becoming a permanent one and thought the City had done a good job, but she lacks trust in <br /> EBRPD and agreed with Commissioner Hottle's comment about not rushing into approving. <br /> Commissioner Hottle thanked Mr. Kummer for his comments and felt the City was losing sight <br /> of the original vision for the Adobe. He indicated he could not approve the MOU and didn't <br /> believe there was any urgency to do so. Commissioner Hott le felt the City of Pleasanton has <br /> made good decisions in the past and shouldn't rush on this one to appease EBRPD, because <br /> they have had lots of time to complete the Garms staging area. <br /> Commissioner Lambert discussed the uniqueness of the Adobe and the history of the area. <br /> He felt proposed parking and toilets were too close to the Adobe and the Foothill Road <br /> crosswalk needed to be addressed. Commissioner Lambert also liked the idea of splitting the <br /> parking and felt more information is needed to be provided to the Commission before they <br /> made any decision. <br /> Commissioner Ambrishamchian discussed issues of students driving and walking in the area <br /> and felt more information was needed. <br /> Commissioner Bowers asked about the number of special events at the Adobe and the plan for <br /> overflow parking for the facility. He commented on Foothill Road access being problematic, <br /> Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> April 14, 2016 <br /> Page 6 <br />