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47. The project developer's consultant shall provide AS BUILTS of the project Civil <br /> Engineer's improvement plans in AutoCAD and PDF format for City record and <br /> use. <br /> 48. The project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by <br /> a licensed civil engineer including all supporting information and design criteria <br /> (including but not limited to any peer review comments), depicting all final grades <br /> and drainage control measures, including concrete-lined V-ditches, to protect all <br /> cut and fill slopes from surface water overflow, etc., as part of the improvement <br /> plans. This plan shalt be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer <br /> or Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of a grading permit. <br /> 49. All existing drainage swales that are filled shall have sub drains installed unless <br /> otherwise approved by the City Engineer and the developer's soils engineer. All <br /> sub drains shall have tracer wire along entire length of the sub drains and <br /> cleanouts installed with metal cap at the beginning of the pipe and at locations <br /> needed for maintenance. The end of the pipe shall terminate in a storm drain or <br /> other storm drain outfall, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The project <br /> developer's engineer shall submit a final sub drain location map to the City <br /> Engineer or Chief Building Official prior to building occupancy. It shall be the <br /> responsibility of the property owner to relocate a sub drain, if during the <br /> excavation of a subsurface structure, a sub drain is encountered. <br /> Traffic Division <br /> 50. Unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer or required by a <br /> development agreement, the following traffic improvements shall be constructed <br /> by the applicant/project developer prior to occupancy of the new office building: <br /> a. Foothill Road a Canyon Way: Install a third southbound left-turn lane on <br /> Foothill Road. In conjunction with this southbound left-turn lane, an additional <br /> eastbound lane on Canyon Way shall be constructed by the applicant/project <br /> developer to receive the new southbound left turn traffic. <br /> b. Stoneridge Mall Road A Stoneridge Drive: Construct additional vehicle <br /> storage at the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Stoneridge Drive by <br /> lengthening the innermost southbound left-turn lane by approximately 125 feet. <br /> This may be accomplished by modifying the roadway median or by widening the <br /> west side of Stoneridge Mall Road and realigning the roadway. <br /> c. Stoneridge Mall Road @ New Proiect Driveway Shared with BART: Install a <br /> traffic signal at the shared project driveway/relocated BART station parking <br /> garage driveway. Unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer, the <br /> installation of this traffic signal shall include the necessary modifications to the <br /> Stoneridge Mall parking lot on the west side of Stoneridge Mall Road to <br /> accommodate the new signal. <br /> 9 of 28 <br />