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The plans for the traffic improvements listed above shall be subject to the review <br /> and approval of the City Traffic Engineer prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 51. The applicant shall move the vehicular gate in the shared BART and project <br /> driveway south by approximately 50 feet. The design and location of the gate <br /> shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building permits and shall <br /> be subject to the review and approval by the Fire Chief and Traffic Engineer prior <br /> to issuance of building permits for the project. <br /> 52. Comprehensive traffic control measures shall be implemented during <br /> construction, including scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries, to avoid <br /> peak travel hours. If necessary, as determined by the Traffic Engineer, proper <br /> lane closure procedures such as flagger stations, signage, cones, and other <br /> warning devices shall be implemented during construction. <br /> 53. The applicant and/or responsible party shall maintain landscaping at all project <br /> entrance/exits to maintain sight distance by keeping shrubs no higher than <br /> approximately 30 inches and tree canopies approximately six feet from the <br /> ground. <br /> 54. Project plans shall include a convenient bicycle access route from Stoneridge Mall <br /> Road into the BART parking structure. <br /> Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department <br /> 55. The applicant shall provide a fire command room on the ground floor of the new <br /> office building subject to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. The fire control room <br /> shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building permits and shall <br /> be subject to the review and approval by the Fire Chief prior to issuance of <br /> building permits for the project. Fire apparatus access, staging, and circulation <br /> necessary for the fire command room shall be subject to and accepted by the Fire <br /> Chief. <br /> 56. The signs, arches, vehicular gates, and other structures/obstacles within or above <br /> the drive aisle between the BART garage and new office building and northern <br /> parking garage shall be modified, as necessary, to comply with fire truck <br /> clearances to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. Said revisions shall be shown on <br /> the plans submitted for issuance of building permits and shall be subject to the <br /> review and approval by the Fire Chief and Director of Community Development <br /> prior to issuance of building permits for the project. <br /> 57. All access restricting gates installed for this development shall have a Knox <br /> 9 9 p box <br /> key override switch installed at the card access/keypad to override the gate <br /> opener for fire apparatus access. The final design/location of the override <br /> switch(es) shall be subject to the review and approval by the Fire Chief prior to <br /> occupancy. <br /> 10 of 28 <br />