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31. The applicant shall install changing rooms with showers in the new office building. <br /> Said improvements shall be shown on the building permit plans and shall be <br /> subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to <br /> issuance of building permits for the project. <br /> 32. The applicant and/or project developer shall use reclaimed water for landscape <br /> irrigation when available. Details and/or plans shall be provided for review and <br /> approval by the Director of Community Development before use of the reclaimed <br /> water. <br /> 33. Rain gutters shall discharge into landscaping planter areas where feasible. These <br /> details shall be shown on the plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division <br /> for plan check and are subject to the review and approval of the Director of <br /> Community Development prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 34. The applicant shall plant trees and shrubs acceptable to CalTrans in the CalTrans <br /> unpaved right-of-way between the project site and the edge of the 1-580 freeway <br /> paving. Said landscaping shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of a <br /> building permit. If CalTrans does not allow landscaping to be installed within their <br /> right-of-way, then the applicant shall install landscaping on the project site <br /> between the northern parking garage and the northern property line of the project <br /> site subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. <br /> 35. The project shall comply with the State of California's Model Water Efficient <br /> Landscape Ordinance and Bay Friendly Basics Landscape Checklist. A licensed <br /> landscape architect shall verify the project's compliance with the ordinance and <br /> checklist: 1) prior to the issuance of a building permit; and 2) prior to final <br /> inspection. The verification shall be provided to the Planning Division. <br /> 36. A final landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by <br /> Director of Community Development as part of the building permit plan set prior to <br /> issuance of a building permit. Said landscape plan shall be detailed in terms of <br /> species, location, size, quantities, and spacing. Plant species shall be of drought- <br /> tolerant nature and the irrigation design shall utilize low-volume drip, bubbler, or <br /> other water conserving irrigation systems to the maximum extent possible. <br /> 37. The office building shall be constructed to allow for future installation of a <br /> Photovoltaic (PV) system. The project applicant/developer shall comply with the <br /> following requirements for making the office building photovoltaic-ready: <br /> a. Electrical conduit and cable pull strings shall be installed from the roof/attic <br /> area to the building's main electrical panels; <br /> b. An area shall be provided near the electrical panel for the installation of an <br /> "inverter" required to convert the direct current output from the photovoltaic <br /> panels to alternating current; and <br /> 7 of 28 <br />