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(10%) of the total number of parking spaces shall be designated for carpool, <br /> vanpool, car-share, and alternative-fuel vehicles. For every 10 of the designated <br /> spaces, at least one shall be carpool, one shall be vanpool, and two shall be an <br /> electric vehicle charging station (one being van accessible). The remaining six <br /> spaces may be anything from those mentioned above, but must have conduit <br /> provided to enable future electric vehicle charging when demand warrants, as <br /> determined by the Director of Community Development. The spaces must be <br /> located reasonably close to the employee entrances without displacing ADA <br /> parking. The carpool vanpool, car-share, electric vehicle, and alternative-fuel <br /> parking spaces shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building <br /> permits and shall be subject to the review and approval by the Director of <br /> Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for the project. <br /> 28. The applicant and/or project developer shall incorporate distributed generation <br /> such as photovoltaic panels, solar thermal, solar hot water, solar cooling, and/or <br /> bloom box or other fuel cell technologies into the project to qualify for at least one <br /> point on the LEED 2009 checklist for New Construction and Major Renovations. <br /> The method used and plan details shall be incorporated into the plans submitted <br /> to the Building and Safety Division for plan check and shall be subject to the <br /> review and approval of the Director of Community Development prior to building <br /> permit issuance. <br /> 29. The applicant shall implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) <br /> program for the new office building intended to encourage commute alternatives <br /> such as public transportation, carpooling, and biking to work. The TDM program <br /> shall include a combination of commute programs such as allowing employees to <br /> telecommute, allowing alternative work week (e.g., 9/80), offering free or <br /> discounted bus and BART tickets, incentives, etc. Said TDM program shall be <br /> subject to the review and approval by the Director of Community Development <br /> prior to occupancy of the new office building. <br /> 30. The applicant shall install bicycle racks and/or bicycle lockers for both project <br /> sites. The bicycle racks shall: <br /> a. Be visible and accessible. <br /> b. Support the frame of the bicycle and not just one wheel. <br /> c. Allow the frame and one wheel to be locked to the rack. <br /> d. Allow the use of either a cable or U-shaped lock. <br /> e. Be securely anchored. <br /> f. Be usable by bikes with no kickstand. <br /> g. Be usable by a wide variety of sizes and types of bicycles. <br /> The number and type of bicycle racks and/or bicycle lockers shall be shown on <br /> the building permit plans and shall be subject to review and approval by the <br /> Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for the <br /> project. <br /> 6 of 28 <br />