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Time & Days of At discretion of program sponsor with local consumer input. <br /> Service <br /> Fare (Cost to At discretion of program sponsor with local consumer input. <br /> Customer) <br /> Other Specialized Accessible van programs must demonstrate that they are <br /> providing trips at an equal or lower cost to the provider than the ADA- <br /> mandated provider on a cost per trip basis, except if providing same- <br /> day accessible trips. Cost per trip is defined as total cost (all sources) <br /> during a reporting period divided by the number of one-way trips, <br /> including attendant and companion trips, provided during period. <br /> Accessible Shuttle Service Guidelines <br /> Service Description Shuttles are accessible vehicles that operate on a fixed, deviated, <br /> or flex-fixed route and schedule. They serve common trip origins <br /> and destinations visited by eligible consumers, e.g. senior <br /> centers, medical facilities, grocery stores, BART and other transit <br /> stations, community centers, commercial districts, and post <br /> offices. <br /> Shuttles should be designed to supplement existing fixed route <br /> transit services. Routes should not necessarily be designed for <br /> fast travel, but to get as close as possible to destinations of <br /> interest, such as going into parking lots or up to the front entrance <br /> of a senior living facility. Shuttles are often designed to serve <br /> active seniors who do not drive but are not ADA paratransit <br /> registrants. <br /> Eligible Population Shuttles should be designed to appeal to older people, but can be <br /> made open to the general public. <br /> Time and Days of At discretion of program sponsor with local consumer input. <br /> Service <br /> Fare (Cost to Customer) At discretion of program sponsor, but cannot exceed local ADA <br /> paratransit fares. Fares may be scaled based on distance. <br /> Page 17 <br />