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Taxi Subsidy Program Guidelines <br /> Transit) or the Alameda County City-Based Paratransit Services Medical <br /> Statement Form, as proof of disability. Program sponsors may, at their <br /> discretion, also offer temporary eligibility due to disability. <br /> ADA-mandated providers that are not also city-based providers (East <br /> Bay Paratransit and LAVTA) are not required to provide service to <br /> seniors 80 years or older without ADA eligibility. <br /> Time & Days of 24 hours per day/7 days per week <br /> Service <br /> Fare (Cost to Programs must subsidize at least 50% of the taxi fare. <br /> Customer) Programs can impose a cap on total subsidy per person. This can be <br /> accomplished through a maximum subsidy per trip, a limit on the <br /> number of vouchers/scrip (or other fare medium) per person, and/or a <br /> total monetary subsidy per person per year. <br /> Other Programs may also use funding to provide incentives to drivers and/or <br /> transportation providers to ensure reliable service. Incentives are often <br /> utilized to promote accessible service. Planned expenditures on <br /> incentives are subject to review by Alameda CTC staff prior to <br /> implementation. <br /> City-based Specialized Accessible Van Service Guidelines <br /> Service Description Specialized Accessible van service provides accessible, door-to-door <br /> trips on a pre-scheduled or same-day basis. This service category is <br /> not intended to be as comprehensive as primary services (i.e. ADA- <br /> mandated, City-based Door-to-Door, or Taxi programs), but should be <br /> a complementary supplement in communities where critical needs for <br /> accessible trips are not being adequately met by the existing primary <br /> services. Examples of unmet needs might be a taxi program without <br /> accessible vehicles, medical trips for riders with dementia unable to <br /> safely take an ADA-mandated trip, or trips outside of the ADA- <br /> mandated service area. When possible, a priority for this service <br /> should be fulfilling requests for same-day accessible trips. <br /> This service may make use of fare mediums such as scrip and <br /> vouchers to allow consumers to pay for rides. <br /> Eligible Population At discretion of program sponsor with local consumer input. <br /> Page 16 <br />