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Accessible Shuttle Service Guidelines <br /> Cost of Service By end of the second fiscal year of service, the City's cost per <br /> one-way person trip cannot exceed $20, including transportation <br /> and direct administrative costs. Cost per trip is defined as total <br /> cost (all sources) during a reporting period divided by the number <br /> of one-way trips, including attendant and companion trips, <br /> provided during period. <br /> Other Shuttles are required to coordinate with the local fixed route <br /> transit provider. <br /> Shuttle routes and schedules should be designed with input from <br /> the senior and disabled communities and to ensure effective <br /> design, and any new shuttle plan must be submitted to Alameda <br /> CTC staff for review prior to implementation. <br /> Deviations and flag stops are permitted at discretion of program <br /> sponsor. <br /> Group Trips Service Guidelines <br /> Service Description Group trips are round-trip rides for pre-scheduled outings, <br /> including shopping trips, sporting events, and community health <br /> fairs. These trips are specifically designed to serve the needs of <br /> seniors and people with disabilities and typically originate from a <br /> senior center or housing facility and are generally provided in <br /> accessible vans and other vehicle types or combinations thereof. <br /> Eligible Population At discretion of program sponsor. <br /> Time and Days of Group trips must begin and end on the same day. <br /> Service <br /> Fare (Cost to Customer) At discretion of program sponsor. <br /> Other Programs can impose mileage limitations to control program <br /> costs. <br /> Page I 8 <br />