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City-based Door-to-Door Service Guidelines <br /> Other Door-to-Door programs must demonstrate that they are providing trips <br /> at an equal or lower cost than the ADA-mandated provider on a cost <br /> per trip basis. Cost per trip is defined as total cost(all sources) during <br /> a reporting period divided by the number of one-way trips, including <br /> attendant and companion trips, provided during period. <br /> Programs may impose per person trip limits to due to budgetary <br /> constraints, but any proposed trip limitations that are based on trip <br /> purpose must be submitted to Alameda CTC staff for review prior to <br /> implementation. <br /> Taxi Subsidy Program Guidelines <br /> Service Description Taxis provide curb-to-curb service that can be scheduled on a same-day <br /> basis. They charge riders on a distance/time basis using a meter. Taxi <br /> subsidy programs allow eligible consumers to use taxis at a reduced <br /> fare by reimbursing consumers a percentage of the fare or by providing <br /> some fare medium, e.g. scrip or vouchers, which can be used to cover a <br /> portion of the fare. These programs are intended for situations when <br /> consumers cannot make their trip on a pre-scheduled basis. <br /> The availability of accessible taxi cabs varies by geographical area and <br /> taxi provider, but programs should expand availability of accessible taxi <br /> cabs where possible in order to fulfill requests for same-day accessible <br /> trips. <br /> Eligible Population Eligible Populations include: <br /> 1. People 18 and above with disabilities who are unable to use fixed <br /> route services. Cities may, at their discretion, also provide <br /> services to consumers with disabilities under the age of 18, and <br /> 2. Seniors 80 years or older without proof of a disability. Cities may <br /> provide services to consumers who are younger than age 80, but <br /> not younger than 70 years old. <br /> Cities may continue to offer "grandfathered"eligibility to program <br /> registrants below 70 years old who were enrolled in the program in FY <br /> 11/12 and have continued to use it regularly, as long as it does not <br /> impinge on the City's ability to meet the minimum requirements of the <br /> Implementation Guidelines. <br /> Program sponsors may use either ADA eligibility, as established by <br /> ADA-mandated providers (incL East Bay Paratransit, LAVTA, Union City <br /> Page I 5 <br />