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20% of the dwelling units as affordable to very low, low, and /or moderate income households. <br />He then provided information about Ponderosa's Ironwood Development, an Affordable Housing <br />Agreement (AHA) approved in 2003, and the Inclusionary Unit Credits (51 (IUCs) available for <br />Ponderosa to be used at Ponderosa's Busch Road site or, subject to City Council approval, at <br />other unspecified sites in the City. <br />Commissioner Lombardo asked about a greenbelt area for the development and whether the <br />credits to be used were the remaining credits. <br />Commissioners reviewed a map of the proposed Rose Avenue site and raised questions <br />regarding the proximity to the golf course and what would happen should the golf course <br />remain, since the request was based on Ponderosa using all of the IUCs. Mr. Dolan noted that <br />final approval of the request would come from City Council. <br />Commissioner Meyers discussed City Council's willingness to accept the change and the <br />amount of time left on the golf course lease. She also discussed ownership of the remaining <br />three (3) lots. <br />Pam Hardy, Ponderosa Homes representative, indicated that Ponderosa were happy with the <br />Affordable Housing concept and sharing of credits for this project. She advised that City <br />Council has in the past granted credits for estate lots and Ponderosa believes using the credits <br />in -lieu of providing affordable units is the correct way to move forward. Ms. Hardy also provided <br />information about a fence to be built on the project. <br />Commissioner Lombardo questioned whether the homes would be sellable with such a large <br />fence being installed. Ms. Hardy provided information about arrangements made with the <br />Alameda County Fairground group and believes the homes will sell, even with a large fence that <br />will have plantings in place to hide the fence. <br />Commissioner Gaidos felt there was no issue with the request from Ponderosa to utilize the <br />Affordable Housing Credits in lieu of providing affordable units. <br />Commissioner Meyers expressed her concern about what might happen if Ponderosa was <br />unable to build the other three units and questioned when this request would be submitted to <br />City Council for their approval. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Galvin, seconded by Commissioner Gaidos, to approve <br />the Ponderosa Homes Rose Avenue Estates (PUD -99) Affordable Housing Agreement allowing <br />the use of IUCs in lieu of providing affordable units for development located at 1851 Rose <br />Avenue. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Gaidos, Galvin, Lombardo, Meyers, and Soby <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Chairperson Welsh <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />10. Update regarding the Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) Review Process <br />Ms. Reisner provided information about the Housing and Human Services (HHSG) Grant <br />process. She noted that two application distribution workshops for FY 2016/17 were held in <br />December 2015 in collaboration with staff from the cities of Dublin and Livermore. <br />Page - 4 - <br />