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base. This share of space is estimated to total 173,321 square feet by 2018. There are 293,721 <br /> total square feet of estimated occupied development with unknown timing; however, a portion of <br /> this square footage may be developed between those years. This brings the total competitive <br /> square footage estimate to 467,042 square feet for the market area and surrounding areas, <br /> exclusive of the Project. Notably, these figures include one retail project in Dublin that City of <br /> Dublin representatives suggest may convert to an all residential project. <br /> Cumulative project analysis taking into consideration the portion of Project and cumulative project <br /> retail space anticipated to capture sales from the Project's market area, future market area <br /> demand for retail, and timing of development indicates that by the completion of Phase I, suggest <br /> there will be a projected shortfall of 111,200 square feet of market area demand to support the <br /> cumulative projects. This is a nominal amount of shortfall based upon the current size of the <br /> combined retail base in Pleasanton and Dublin, which comprises 9.2 million square feet. If this <br /> 11,200—square-foot increment of retail space became vacant as a result of the cumulative projects <br /> (possibly including the estimated Phase I Project grocery store impacts), the current retail base <br /> vacancy rate would increase by 1.2%. This retail vacancy increment is very low, and would <br /> comprise an insignificant impact on the market area's retail base. <br /> By the time Project Full Buildout occurs, there will continue to be insufficient new market area <br /> demand to absorb all the cumulative projects with known development timeframes. Similar to the <br /> Phase I timing analysis, however, this insufficient demand is estimated to be relatively low. Inclusive <br /> of the cumulative project anticipated to be unlikely to be developed as retail, this demand shortfall <br /> comprises an estimated 267,650 square feet. Excluding the unlikely development project reduces <br /> this figure to 154,800 square feet. Thus, the market area retail base vacancy rate is estimated to <br /> increase by 1 .7%to 2.9% by Full Buildout pursuant to the cumulative retail development. <br /> The degree to which these percentage increases will be significant to the market will depend upon <br /> the prevailing market conditions at the time of Full Buildout. While these conditions cannot be <br /> predicted, current conditions suggest that the projected increases in vacancy attributable to the <br /> cumulative projects at Full Buildout will not be detrimental to the commercial retail market, and <br /> that the market would continue to operate within healthy parameters. Therefore, ALH Economics <br /> concludes that the cumulative projects, inclusive of the Johnson Drive EDZ Project, are unlikely to <br /> result in negative sales impacts contributing to the potential for prolonged economic impacts and <br /> that urban decay is not likely to occur in the market area. <br /> Hotel Impact Analysis <br /> The Project has the potential for a 150- to 231-room hotel. There area minimum of 15 existing <br /> hotels in Pleasanton and Dublin with a total of 2,297 rooms. These hotels represent five classes of <br /> hotel, including economy, midscale, upper midscale, upscale, and upper upscale. All of the <br /> existing hotels appear to be in good general repair, with attractive physical conditions and no signs <br /> of urban decay or deterioration, such as litter, graffiti, weeds or rubbish. Average annual <br /> occupancy rates of the hotels vary with economic conditions, with occupancy ranging from a low of <br /> 56% in 2009 at the peak of the Great Recession to 81% in 2015. <br /> ALH Economics projected future demand for hotel rooms and assessed the Project's impact on <br /> future occupancy to identify if there could be negative impacts on occupancy sufficient to cause <br /> existing hotels to close. Demand was projected out at the combined projected employment rate for <br /> Johnson Drive EDZ Urban Decay 6 ALH Urban & Regional Economics <br />