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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> • <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> the project archaeologist in conjunction with the In the event that <br /> project sponsor and the Pleasanton Planning archaeological <br /> Department. In the event of any discovery,work resources are <br /> should be stopped within 50 feet of any discovered, project <br /> discovery until a proposal for the evaluation of applicant shall <br /> the resource as required by CEQA guidelines retain a qualified <br /> has been submitted to the lead agency for archaeologist to <br /> approval. If evaluation of the resource through a evaluate the <br /> program of hand excavation demonstrates that resource(s) and <br /> the resource is eligible for inclusion on the prepare an <br /> California Register of Historic Resources, a archaeological <br /> proposal for mitigation of impacts to the mitigation program <br /> resource should be submitted to the lead as described <br /> agency for approval before work is allowed to <br /> recommence in the area of recorded <br /> archaeological deposit. <br /> In the event that historic archaeological deposits <br /> are uncovered during site monitoring,work <br /> should be halted within 20 feet of any discovery <br /> until the deposit has been evaluated for <br /> potential significance through a program of <br /> hand excavation if necessary. If it is determined <br /> that the deposit qualifies for inclusion on the <br /> California Register, a plan for mitigation of <br /> impacts to the resource should be submitted to <br /> the lead agency for approval before any actual <br /> mitigation efforts are undertaken prior to the <br /> continuation of grading operations. Mitigation <br /> can include the recording in situ and/or removal <br /> of additional historical materials by an <br /> archaeological team for later analysis combined <br /> with continued monitoring of earthmoving <br /> activities in the vicinity of any discovery. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.10-2: The following mitigation Project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> measures shall be undertaken prior to the issuance of a shall hire Development program of demolition <br /> demolition permit for the ranch complex: architectural Department, documenting permit. <br /> Historical site records shall be prepared which include historian to Planning Division historical records for <br /> the description of all existing elements of the ranch formulate and the project site. <br /> complex along with photo documentation of them, implement a Date: <br /> including: (1)all structures and/or remains of structures program that <br /> mentioned in the 1990 and 1999 report and others; (2) documents <br /> the Quonset hut located up creek from the main house; historical site <br /> (3)all other historical features mentioned in the 1990, records for the <br /> 1999,and 2003 reports, such as the landscaping Lund Ranch <br /> elements, piles of historic debris, and the variety of property. <br /> LUND RANCH I I-PUD-25 17 JANUARY 2016 <br />