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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations[CCR]). <br /> Clear signage shall be provided for construction <br /> workers at all access points. <br /> g.All construction equipment shall be maintained and <br /> properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's <br /> specifications.All equipment shall be checked by a <br /> certified mechanic and determined to be running in <br /> proper condition prior to operation. <br /> h.A publicly visible sign with the telephone number and <br /> person to contact at the Lead Agency regarding dust <br /> complaints shall be posted at the site. This person <br /> shall respond and take corrective action within 48 <br /> hours. The Air District's phone number shall also be <br /> visible to ensure compliance with applicable <br /> regulations. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.8-2 (applies to all alternative The project applicant Community Verify inclusion of Prior to issuance Verified by <br /> access scenarios): To reduce the project's shall include Development equipment of grading or <br /> construction-related NOx emissions, the following appropriate Department; specifications in building permit, <br /> provisions shall be included in the contractor construction Planning Division applicable whichever is <br /> specifications for the proposed project: equipment specifica- construction plans; sooner, inspect <br /> a.To reduce NOx during construction, all excavators, tions in construction conduct field during Date: <br /> dozers, scrapers, tractors, loaders, and backhoes used plans for project. inspections during construction. <br /> for project construction shall be equipped with Tier 3- construction. <br /> rated engines.Alternatively, the number of pieces of <br /> diesel-powered equipment operating simultaneously <br /> could be limited in order to achieve the same level of <br /> NOx reduction. <br /> b.All contractors shall use equipment that meets the <br /> CARB's most recent certification standard for off-road <br /> heavy-duty diesel engines for a given model year <br /> engine. <br /> 4.10 Cultural Resources <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.10-1: The following mitigation Project applicant Community Verify and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> measures shall be required to reduce potential cultural shall hire a qualified Development archaeologist; of grading permit; <br /> resources impacts to a less-than-significant level archaeologist to Department; review and approve inspect during <br /> ® A program of archaeological monitoring should train contractor Planning Division archaeological construction. <br /> be undertaken for all construction related workers, including mitigation program, <br /> earthmoving activities in the vicinity of the ranch supervisory if needed. Date: <br /> complex and within 100 feet of the drainage as personnel,to <br /> it exits the compound and flows west out of the monitor worker <br /> Lund Ranch project area.The duration of the activities <br /> monitoring program should be determined by <br /> LUND RANCH I I I-PUD-25 16 <br /> JANUARY 20 16 <br />