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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.7-4: The City shall require the The project Community Review the project Prior to project Verified by: <br /> project applicant to reduce the project's estimated 5.6 applicant shall hire Development acoustical report and approval/prior to <br /> dBA increase on Lund Ranch Road to 4 dBA or less. an acoustical Department; amended plans(as issuance of <br /> Such a reduction could be achieved by: (a) reducing consultant to Planning Division necessary)to verify building or grading <br /> the number of residential units using Lund Ranch Road determine whether that 4 dBA noise permits. <br /> in order to sufficiently reduce noise generated by roadway repaving is increase threshold Date: <br /> project related traffic volumes; and/or(b) by requiring required to achieve would be achieved <br /> resurfacing Lund Ranch Road (Independence Drive to the noise reduction <br /> project site boundary) and Independence Drive (from identified in the <br /> Lund Ranch Road to Hopkins Way) with noise measure. If such <br /> attenuating asphalt. If an updated noise analysis, repaving is <br /> prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of required, it shall be <br /> Community Development based on the Project's incorporated into <br /> circulation system approved by the City, demonstrates the project plans. <br /> that the noise increases to Lund Ranch Road, <br /> Independence Drive, and all neighborhood streets would <br /> be less than 4 dBA, the street resurfacing requirement <br /> would no longer apply. <br /> 4.8 Air Quality <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.8-1: To limit the project's Project applicant Community Approve air quality Prior to issuance Verified by <br /> construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, shall hire an air Development consultant selection. of grading or <br /> the following BAAQMD-recommended Basic quality consultant Department; Review verification building permit, <br /> Construction Mitigation Measures shall be included in the approved by the City Planning Division from air quality whichever is <br /> contractor specifications for the proposed project: of Pleasanton who consultant. Verify sooner; inspect <br /> a.All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas,staging will prepare a inclusion of dust during Date: <br /> areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access Construction Air control measures in construction. <br /> roads) shall be watered two times per day. Pollutant Control applicable <br /> b.All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose Plan that adheres to construction plans <br /> material off-site shall be covered all specifications in and specifications; <br /> c.All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public this measure and conduct field <br /> roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum will verify In writing inspections during <br /> street sweepers at least once per day.The use of dry that the plan construction. <br /> power sweeping is prohibited. adheres to all of <br /> d.All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to BAAQMD's air <br /> 15 mph. quality guidance <br /> which is applicable <br /> e.All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved to the project <br /> shall be completed as soon as possible Building pads <br /> shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless <br /> seeding or soil binders are used. <br /> f. Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting <br /> equipment off when not in use or reducing the <br /> maximum idling time to 5 minutes(as required by the <br /> California airborne toxics control measure Title 13, <br /> LUND RANCII II-I'UD-25 1 5 JANUARY 2016 <br />