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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REI'ORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> occupied habitat. These measures may be necessary <br /> to ensure that owls are not harmed or injured during <br /> construction, and that the loss of occupied habitat is <br /> mitigated. Mitigation for the loss of occupied habitat <br /> could be accomplished on or off the property, subject <br /> to approval of a mitigation land management plan by <br /> CDFG. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-5: The proposed project would Project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> impact approximately 0.022 acre of Waters of the United shall hire a qualified Development a qualified wetlands of grading or <br /> States(0.016 acre and 243 lineal feet of drainage wetlands biologist Department; biologist and building permit, <br /> channel waters, and 0.006 acre of in-channel wetlands). approved by the City Planning Division wetland restoration whichever is <br /> The connection to Sunset Creek Lane would require of Pleasanton who plan sooner. <br /> approximately 100 linear feet(400 square feet)of will prepare a plan Date: <br /> additional impact. While compensation for impacts to for creation of Verify inclusion of all Review monitoring <br /> Waters of the United States shall occur at a minimum of appropriate permit-required reports for wetland <br /> a 1:1 replacement ratio, the CDFW and RWQCB replacement measures in restoration sites <br /> generally require a replacement ratio of 2:1 or better To wetlands that applicable for a minimum of <br /> the degree possible, the applicant shall replace lost adheres to all construction plans five years and <br /> wetland resources in kind. Thus, the project would specifications in this and specifications. verify that required <br /> create at I act 343 feet of channel and seasonal measure and will monitoring reports <br /> drainage at least at a (1:1 ratio), including a 1:1 ratio of verify in writing that Inspect site during have been <br /> and 0.031 acres of waters of-the US(cccaconal drainage the plan adheres to construction to submitted to <br /> Id be at least 0.006 acres of all guidance that is ensure compliance Responsible <br /> seasonal wetlands on the Lund Ranch property based on applicable to the with project Agencies. <br /> the final calculation of impact. Creation of new channels project, including construction plans. <br /> can be logistically difficult as there are finite areas within conditions imposed <br /> a site to accomplish this type of mitigation. Therefore, as part of all <br /> some mitigation for the seasonal channel may have to be Responsible Agency <br /> out-of-kind. This could be accomplished by creating permits needed for <br /> additional seasonal wetlands. The creation of not less this work <br /> than -0,03 seasonal-dchannel <br /> would-be required- <br /> The site supports sufficient opportunities to <br /> accommodate creation of wetland habitat. Even if the <br /> project could not create 343 feet of1'1 ratio of channel, <br /> there are a number of areas along Drainage Areas A and <br /> B and within the non-jurisdictional drainage swales on <br /> the site that could easily accommodate this type of <br /> creation mitigation. <br /> The goal of this mitigation should be to create new <br /> wetlands and enhance existing wetlands in a way that <br /> replaces the functions and values of the wetlands that <br /> are proposed to be filled. A qualified biologist should <br /> develop a restoration plan that identifies the full extent of <br /> the impact, location of suitable sites to create or enhance <br /> LUND RANCH II-PUD-25 7 JANUARY 2016 <br />