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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-4: The implementation of the The project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> following measures would ensure that raptors(hawks shall hire a qualified Development a qualified of grading or <br /> and owls) and other migratory birds are not disturbed ornithologist and the Department; ornithologist. building permit, <br /> during the breeding season and that burrowing owls and project applicant's Planning Division whichever is <br /> occupied habitat are not taken at any time of year: contractor(s)shall Review pre- sooner. <br /> a. A qualified ornithologist shall conduct a pre- engage the qualified construction Date: <br /> construction survey for nesting raptors(including both ornithologist to survey reports. Field inspections <br /> tree and ground nesting raptors)and other migratory conduct pre- If active nests or prior to and during <br /> birds on-site within two weeks of the onset of site construction surveys suitable burrowing construction. No <br /> disturbance (e.g. demolition, vegetation removal and as described. owl habitat are more than 14 days <br /> earthwork), if ground disturbance is to occur during found, review and before start or <br /> the breeding season (February 1 to August 31). The project applicant approve the restart of <br /> These surveys shall be based on the accepted shall prepare construction plan construction <br /> protocols for the target species. These surveys shall construction plans that includes during the months <br /> explicitly consider the burrowing owl as a potential that incorporate the avoidance of owl, of February to <br /> target species and pre-construction efforts shall be recommendations of nesting raptors, and August. <br /> conducted according to the most recent protocol. If a the pre-construction other migratory <br /> nesting raptor or active nest of another migratory bird surveys If required, birds. Confirm buffer <br /> were to be detected, an appropriate no disturbance avoidance zones if active <br /> buffer would be established in consultation with procedures will be Inspect construction burrows are <br /> CDFW. In general, no-disturbance buffers around implemented site to confirm found. <br /> active nests of raptors are 250-300 feet,while the implementation of <br /> buffers around the nests of passerines (perching)are protection <br /> 50 feet. The actual size of buffer would depend on measures. <br /> species, topography, and type of construction activity <br /> that would occur in the vicinity of the nest. The <br /> location of no-disturbance buffers would be marked in <br /> the field and communicated to the construction team <br /> during the preconstruction environmental training <br /> meeting described above in Mitigation Measure 4.3- <br /> 2b. <br /> b.A qualified ornithologist shall conduct pre- <br /> construction surveys for burrowing owls during the <br /> non-breeding season. Pre-construction surveys <br /> during the non-breeding season are not necessary for <br /> tree nesting raptors, as they are expected to abandon <br /> their roosts during construction. If pre-construction <br /> surveys (conducted either during the breeding or non- <br /> breeding season)determine that burrowing owls <br /> occupy the site, mitigation consistent with the Staff <br /> Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation(CDFG, 2012) <br /> would be implemented. Mitigation measures may <br /> include take avoidance, site surveillance, minimizing <br /> impacts through the use of no disturbance buffers, <br /> burrow exclusion and closure (blocking burrows with <br /> one-way doors) and compensation for the loss of <br /> LUND RANCII I I-PUD-25 6 JANUARY 2016 <br />