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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-3: The implementation of the Project applicant Community Verify inclusion of Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> following measures would ensure that maternity colonies shall hire a qualified Development condition on of grading or <br /> of bats and roosting pallid bats and Townsend's big- biologist to conduct Department; construction plans. building permit, <br /> eared bats would not be disturbed. inspections of Planning Division Review and approve whichever is <br /> a. A qualified biologist, knowledgeable about local bat structures and trees qualified biologist sooner <br /> species and experienced with bat survey methods, that could harbor and construction Date: <br /> shall inspect all structures and trees that could support bats and identify plan that includes Inspect site <br /> bats in the project area prior to the start of site measures in the bat avoidance during <br /> disturbance(e.g. demolition, vegetation removal and construction plan(s) measures. Inspect construction to <br /> earthwork). Surveys should be conducted during to reduce impacts the site to verify that ensure <br /> appropriate weather to detect bats(not in high winds to bats and their appropriate compliance with <br /> or during heavy rain events). One daytime and up to roosts consistent measures have bat protection <br /> two nighttime surveys(starting at least 1 hour prior to with this measure. been implemented. . measures in <br /> dusk) should be conducted to determine if bats are project <br /> present. If bats are detected, additional surveys construction <br /> utilizing acoustic monitoring or other methods may be plans. <br /> necessary depending on the recommendations of the <br /> bat biologist. <br /> b. Preconstruction surveys for bats should be conducted <br /> within two weeks prior to the removal of any trees or <br /> structures that are deemed to have potential bat <br /> roosting habitat. If bats are detected on-site and would <br /> be impacted by the project,then appropriate mitigation <br /> measures would be developed through City <br /> consultation with the CDFW. Mitigation measures <br /> would include one or more of the following methods: <br /> using one-way doors to exclude non-breeding bats, <br /> opening up roof areas of structures to allow airflow <br /> that would deter bats from roosting, and taking <br /> individual trees down in sections to encourage bats to <br /> relocate to another roost site. Typically this work is <br /> conducted in the evening when bats are more active, <br /> and this work should be conducted under the <br /> guidance of an experienced bat biologist. <br /> c.Mitigation for impacts to a maternity bat roost, if <br /> detected,would be determined through consultation <br /> with CDFG and may include construction of structures <br /> that provide suitable bat roosting habitat(i.e. bat <br /> houses, bat condos)for the particular specie(s) <br /> impacted. <br /> LUND RANcii II—PUD-25 5 JANUARY 2016 <br />