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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> easement, or other equivalent instrument which adheres to all of and specifications; <br /> precludes future development or the construction of USFWS and CDFG conduct field <br /> physical barriers to the movement of CTS across the guidance which is inspections during <br /> preserved habitat. The applicant shall also develop,and applicable to the construction. <br /> arrange for the implementation of a habitat management project. <br /> plan for the preserved habitat. Prior to the issuance of a Verify completion of <br /> grading permit, the applicant shall provide a copy of the employee training <br /> recorded instrument(which will identify the precise size program for <br /> and location of the permanently preserved habitat), the operators/contrac- <br /> habitat management plan and the federal and state take tors on an on-going <br /> authorizations to the City. The applicant shall also basis to ensure that <br /> provide copies of the incidental take authorizations all employees <br /> secured for the project from the USFWS and CDFG to involved with <br /> the City. grading throughout <br /> this phase of project <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-2b: To avoid and minimize the development are <br /> loss of individual California Tiger Salamander(CTS),the aware of <br /> applicant shall be responsible for implementing the endangered species <br /> following measures prior to and during construction: concerns. <br /> Prior to ground disturbance, an employee training <br /> program for operators/contractors shall be Verify completion of <br /> conducted by a qualified biologist to explain the the pre-construction <br /> endangered species concerns at the project site, surveys prior to the <br /> Site grading shall be conducted outside of the rainy start of site grading. <br /> season months during which CTS would be <br /> breeding or migrating; Record observation <br /> A qualified biologist shall identify conduct a of CTS and related <br /> preconstruction survey prior to the onset of site notification of <br /> grading. All suitable habitat features that may be USFWS and CDFG <br /> used by aestivating CTS shall be identified, marked personnel for <br /> and mapped during the preconstruction survey. The disposition of CTS <br /> removal or destruction of suitable habitat features <br /> shall be conducted under the direct supervision of <br /> the qualified biologist prior to the onset of site <br /> grading. Any observed CTS shall be turned over to <br /> the USFWS or CDFG personnel for relocation, or <br /> shall be relocated by a biologist possessing an <br /> Endangered Species Act 10(a)(1)(A) permit as <br /> directed by the USFWS and CDFG; <br /> Best Management Practices shall also be <br /> implemented to minimize the potential mortality, injury <br /> or other impacts to CTS. Any installed erosion control <br /> materials shall not include small-mesh plastic netting. <br /> All trash items shall be removed from the project site <br /> to reduce the potential for attracting predators of CTS, <br /> such as crows and ravens. <br /> LUND RANCH I I-PUD-2J 4 JANUARY 2016 <br />