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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Tree Protection During Construction <br /> 1. Prior to beginning work,the contractors working in the <br /> vicinity of trees to be preserved are required to meet <br /> with the Consulting Arborist at the site to review all <br /> work procedures, access routes, storage areas and <br /> tree protection measures <br /> 2. Any grading, construction, demolition or other work <br /> that is expected to encounter tree roots should be <br /> monitored by the Consulting Arborist. <br /> 3 If injury should occur to any tree during construction, <br /> it should be evaluated as soon as possible by the <br /> Consulting Arborist so that appropriate treatments <br /> can be applied. <br /> 4. Fences shall be erected to protect trees to be <br /> preserved. Fences are to remain until all site work <br /> has been completed. Fences may not be relocated or <br /> removed without permission of the project <br /> superintendent. <br /> 5. Construction trailers,traffic and storage areas must <br /> remain outside fenced areas at all times. <br /> 6. No materials, equipment, spoil,waste or wash-out <br /> water may be deposited, stored, or parked within the <br /> Tree Protection Zone(fenced areas). <br /> 7. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance <br /> during construction must be performed by a qualified <br /> arborist and not by construction personnel. <br /> 8 All trees shall be irrigated on a schedule to be <br /> determined by the Consulting Arborist. Each irrigation <br /> shall wet the soil within the Tree Protection Zone to a <br /> depth of 30 inches <br /> 9. Any roots damaged during grading or construction <br /> shall be exposed to sound tissue and cut cleanly with <br /> a saw. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-2a:To mitigate for the loss of Project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> aestivation habitat and potential impacts to any shall hire a qualified Development a qualified biologist. of grading or <br /> aestivating California Tiger Salamander(CTS)on-site, biologist approved Department; building permit, <br /> the project applicant shall permanently preserve and by the City of Planning Division Review habitat whichever is <br /> manage potential CTS upland aestivation habitat located Pleasanton who will management plan. sooner; inspect <br /> on the project site between the proposed development prepare a CTS during Date. <br /> area and Pond 2, located on the adjacent Oak Grove Habitat Management Verify inclusion of construction. <br /> property. The amount of such preserved and managed Plan that adheres to USFWS and CDFW <br /> habitat shall be not less than the amount of land all specifications in recommended <br /> developed as a result of project construction (i.e., 1 1 this measure and measures In <br /> acreage ratio). The applicant shall preserve such habitat will verify in writing applicable <br /> through the recording of a deed restriction, conservation that the plan construction plans <br /> LUND RANCI I I I—PLID-25 3 JANUARY 2016 <br />