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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> In order to optimize tree preservation on-site,the <br /> following measures formulated by Hort Science shall be <br /> implemented to protect trees that are proposed to be <br /> retained: <br /> Design Recommendations <br /> 1.Verity the location and tag numbers of all trees within <br /> 25 feet of the proposed construction areas. <br /> 2.Allow the Consulting Arborist to review all future <br /> project submittals including grading, utility,drainage, <br /> irrigation, and landscape plans <br /> 3.Prepare a site work plan which identifies access and <br /> haul routes,construction trailer and storage areas, etc <br /> 4.Establish a Tree Protection Zone around each tree to <br /> be preserved. For design purposes, the Tree <br /> Protection Zone shall be the edge of grading. No <br /> grading, excavation, construction or storage of <br /> materials shall occur within that Zone. <br /> 5.Install protection around all trees to be preserved, to <br /> be located three feet outside the limit of grading. No <br /> entry is permitted into a Tree Protection Zone without <br /> permission of the project superintendent. <br /> 6.Route underground services including utilities, sub- <br /> drains,water or sewer around the Tree Protection <br /> Zone.Where encroachment cannot be voided, special <br /> construction techniques such as hand digging or <br /> tunneling under roots shall be employed where <br /> necessary to minimize root injury. <br /> 7 Use only herbicides safe for use around trees and <br /> labeled for that use, even below pavement. <br /> 8.Design irrigation systems so that no trenching shall <br /> occur within the Tree Protection Zone <br /> Pre-Construction and Demolition Treatments and <br /> Recommendations <br /> 1 The demolition contractor shall meet with the <br /> Consulting Arborist before beginning work to discuss <br /> work procedures and tree protection. <br /> 2.Trees to be removed shall be felled so as to fall away <br /> from Tree Protection Zone and avoid pulling and <br /> breaking of roots of trees to remain. If roots are <br /> entwined, the consultant may require first severing the <br /> major woody root mass before extracting the trees, or <br /> grinding the stump below ground. <br /> LUND RANch I I—PUD-25 2 JANUARY 2016 <br />