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EXHIBIT A <br /> TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> 4.3 Biological Resources <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-1a:An Oak Woodland Project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> Restoration and Management Plan shall be prepared by shall hire a qualified Development a qualified biologist. of grading or <br /> a qualified biologist and submitted to the City prior to the biologist approved Department; building permit, <br /> issuance of a Grading Permit This Plan shall include by the City of Planning Division Review Oak whichever is <br /> provisions to: Pleasanton who will Woodland sooner; inspect <br /> ° Maximize the diversity of plants and animals native to prepare an Oak Restoration and during Date: <br /> oak woodlands of the region; Woodland Management Plan. construction. <br /> o Encourage natural regeneration of native oaks Restoration and <br /> (including blue oaks, valley oaks and coast live oaks) Management Plan Verify inclusion of <br /> within undeveloped portions of the project site, that adheres to all CDFW <br /> Reduce fire hazards during the dry season;and specifications in this recommended <br /> o measure and will measures and other <br /> o Restrict livestock grazing. verify in writing that elements of the Oak <br /> The oak woodland management plan would address tree the plan adheres to Woodland <br /> replacement requirements as stipulated through City all of the CDFW Restoration and <br /> consultation with the CDFW for the project. Presently, guidance that is Management Plan in <br /> the CDFW generally specifies a replacement ratio of 3 1 applicable to the applicable project <br /> for the replacement of native oaks, regardless of the lost project. plans, including <br /> trees' positions relative to the riparian zone. The construction plans <br /> management plan should include restrictions on livestock and specifications; <br /> grazing to ensure natural regeneration of oaks within the conduct field <br /> open space areas. inspections during <br /> construction. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-1b: The relevant provisions of Project applicant Verify landscape <br /> the City of Pleasanton's Tree Ordinance, including shall retain a plans include <br /> acquisition of a tree removal permit(Section 17.16.020), qualified arborist to recommended tree <br /> reporting requirements for new property development review proposed protection measures <br /> (Section 17.16.050)and protection of existing trees landscape plans, approved by the <br /> (Section 17.16.070)should be implemented.The Oak ensuring that the City. <br /> Woodland Restoration and Management Plan discussed landscape plan <br /> above should indicate the ratio, location, species,source includes appropriate <br /> of plant material and timing for planting. It shall also tree protection <br /> describe plans for maintenance and irrigation. Heritage measures as <br /> trees should be replaced at a ratio consistent with the specified by <br /> City's tree ordinance with small nursery stock These HortScience. <br /> ratios shall compensate for habitat values lost from the <br /> removal of mature trees. Planting time between <br /> November and January is recommended To preserve <br /> the genetic integrity of trees of the site,acorns and seeds <br /> to be propagated should be collected on-site. A minimum <br /> maintenance and irrigation time of three years is <br /> recommended. <br /> FUND RANCII II-PUD-25 1 JANUARY 2016 <br />