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Mitigation Measure 4.14-2: Prior to issuance of any Grading or Demolition Permit,the City Engineer <br /> and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the building plans and specifications incorporate the <br /> following features: <br /> a. Roofs that are strong enough and have roof truss spacing to hold photovoltaic panels,where <br /> feasible and cost effective, in compliance with Program 7.5 of the Energy Element of <br /> Pleasanton General Plan 2005 - 2025. <br /> b. Solar water heating and/or photovoltaic-ready roofs in new construction, i.e., roofs with <br /> wiring installed for a roof-mounted photovoltaic system, where feasible, in compliance with <br /> Program 7.5 of the Energy Element of Pleasanton General Plan 2005 -2025. <br /> FINDINGS REGARDING RECIRCULATION <br /> In light of the entire administrative record for the Project,the City fmds that there is no significant new <br /> information(within the meaning of CEQA)that requires recirculation of the SEIR. (See CEQA <br /> Guideline 15088.5.) <br /> The City Council approved modifications to the Applicant's proposal that reflect a variant of EIR <br /> Alternative 3. Consistent with that alternative,the project would have connections to both Lund Ranch <br /> Road and Sunset Creek Lane. The location of that connection has been adjusted from the illustrative <br /> figures from Court C to Court B. Also,access to the street connections has been limited, which reduces <br /> the maximum traffic that will use either road compared to the EIR alternative. 29 units would connect to <br /> Sunset Creek Lane and 19 units would connect to Lund Ranch Road. The project has also been reduced <br /> from 50 units to 48 units and Lot 32 has been reduced to a single story structure. <br /> None of these approved modifications amount to significant new information that would require <br /> recirculation of the EIR. <br /> CEQA Section 15088.5 requires an EIR to be recirculated when "significant new information"is added to <br /> the EIR prior to certification. "Significant new information"requiring recirculation can include a <br /> disclosure showing that a new significant environmental impact would result from the project or from a <br /> new mitigation measure proposed to be implemented; or a substantial increase in the severity of an <br /> environmental impact would result unless mitigation measures are adopted that reduce the impact to a <br /> level of insignificance. <br /> The City has reviewed the documents submitted by the Applicant regarding the scope of impacts <br /> associated with the project modifications and the City concludes that the Project modifications will not <br /> result in any new or substantially increased impacts than those already disclosed by the EIR,therefore <br /> recirculation is not required. The evidence presented to the City confirms that the EIR's conclusion in the <br /> alternatives section that a second connection to Sunset Creek Lane(Scenario 3)would have certain <br /> incrementally increased environmental impacts, including increased grading on steep slopes. However, <br /> none of these increased impacts would result in new or substantially increased impacts. For example,the <br /> impacts associated with the connection to Sunset Creek Lane will be mitigated to less-than-significant <br /> levels with the existing Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, and Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> mitigations measures. In addition,NPDES construction and municipal permit requirements, in <br /> combination with the conditions of approval,will ensure that any increased stormwater impacts <br /> associated with the second connection will not result in new or substantially increased significant impacts <br /> related to stormwater. A member of the public stated a concern regarding bicycle safety on the <br /> connection to Sunset Creek Lane. The fact that the maximum grade of the connection is well within City <br /> standards, the anticipated low volume of vehicular traffic on the connection,the availability of nearby <br /> LUND RANCH 1I(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 22 FINDINGS <br />