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trails, and the City's experience with roadways with similar design features all individually support the <br /> conclusion that the project modifications would not result in a significant bicycle safety hazard. <br /> MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Subdivision (a)of Public Resources Code section 21081.6 requires lead agencies to"adopt a reporting <br /> and mitigation monitoring program for the changes to the project which it has adopted or made a <br /> condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment." For <br /> the Lund Ranch II Project,the City satisfied this obligation by preparing a Mitigation Monitoring and <br /> Reporting Program(MMRP). The MMRP provide a list of all adopted project mitigation measures, <br /> identifies the parties responsible for implementing such measures, and identifies the timing for <br /> implementing each measure. The MMRP is being approved concurrently with the adoption of these <br /> Findings of Fact, and will remain available for public review during the compliance period. <br /> • <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 23 FINDINGS <br />