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Mitigation Measure 4.12-5a: During periods of high fire danger or during red flag conditions, operation <br /> of equipment with small motors for vegetation/landscape maintenance shall be prohibited. All <br /> mechanical equipment shall have approved spark arrestors and comply with California Public Resources <br /> Code(PRC) Sections 4431,4435,4442 and 4437 to limit potential for ignition of incidental fires. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-5b: The project sponsor shall prepare a Fire Safety Awareness Program to <br /> address fire safe behaviors and fuel management. The project would include the disclosure of the <br /> Program's requirements as part of the CC&Rs for the project development. Alternatively, in consultation <br /> with the City,the proposed project could include the formation of an Open Space Maintenance District to <br /> ensure the implementation of routine maintenance measures for fire protection purposes. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-5c: The project sponsor shall incorporate design measures and implement fuel <br /> management measures listed in the Wildland Urban Interface Plan(WUIP is included as Appendix E). <br /> Vegetation management measures included in this Plan shall continue to be implemented according to the <br /> CC&Rs for the proposed residences, and/or an Open Space Maintenance District. This Plan presents <br /> measures to: make structures less ignition-prone; make vegetation burn with less intensity; educate and <br /> prepare residents regarding wildland fire; properly manage fuels on private lots and in the periphery of the <br /> open space; and ensure that fuel management inspections are conducted annually. The City shall review <br /> and update the WUIP every five years to ensure that it reflects any updates to the City's Fire and Building <br /> Codes. <br /> ENERGY CONSERVATION(SECTION 4.13) <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.14-1: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of the new residential uses would not <br /> encourage activities that use fuel, water, or energy in a wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary manner. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce impacts related to energy <br /> use to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.14-1: See Mitigation Measure 4.8-1 in Section 4.8, Air Quality. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.14-2: Operation of residences would not encourage activities that use fuel, water, or energy in a <br /> wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary manner. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts related to <br /> operational energy use to a less-than-significant level: <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 21 FINDINGS <br />