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Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts related to <br /> hazardous building materials to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-3: Prior to demolition of the on-site buildings,the project sponsor shall ensure <br /> that a Hazardous Building Materials Survey is completed by a Registered Environmental Assessor or a <br /> registered engineer to confirm the absence or presence of asbestos-containing materials and lead-based <br /> paint in structures to be demolished. This survey shall be completed prior to any demolition activities <br /> associated with the project. Adequate abatement practices, such as containment and/or removal for all <br /> asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paint, shall be implemented in accordance with applicable laws <br /> prior to demolition. Any PCB-containing equipment,fluorescent light tubes containing mercury vapors,and <br /> fluorescent light ballasts containing DEHP shall also be removed and legally disposed of. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.12-4: Project construction activities would result in a temporary increase in fire risks at the site. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts related to <br /> fire hazards during the construction period to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-4a: During periods of high fire danger or during red flag conditions, all <br /> construction activities that could create sparks shall cease. All mechanical equipment shall be equipped <br /> with approved spark arrestors and comply with California Public Resources Code(PRC) Sections 4431, <br /> 4435, 4442 and 4437 to limit potential for ignition of incidental fires. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-4b: Comply with the WUIP, which requires that vegetation be managed,that <br /> hydrants be operational, and that an approved Fire Prevention Plan be completed prior to construction. <br /> The Fire Prevention Plan requires on-site fire suppression resources to include shovel, water pump, fire <br /> extinguisher, and two-way radio or communications for fire reporting. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.12-5: Development and occupation of project homes and maintenance of the project's open <br /> space areas would increase fire risks at the project site. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts related to <br /> operational fire hazards to a less-than-significant level: <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 20 FINDINGS <br />