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Project Grants <br /> The Education Advisory Board awarded 20 Project Grants to the following projects: <br /> Project Grant#: 14-49 Chabot Space and Science Center,My Year of Trash,Oakland,West County,$10,000.00-Funds from <br /> this grant will be used to develop a new mini-exhibit chronicling the story of trash from manufacturing to its final resting place. This <br /> exhibit will accompany student trash activities to be used during filed trip lunch periods. The activities and mini-exhibit will also be <br /> used during Chabot's special events such as Earth Day. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-50 Civicorps Schools,Recycling Internship Program: Training in New Materials,Oakland,West County, <br /> $20,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to engage 25 East Bay young adults,age 18-24 in an internship program where they <br /> will be trained to handle,sort and bale recyclable material. After those skills have been mastered interns are trained and certified in <br /> forklift and bobcat operation. Interns that excel in all training have the opportunity to train for their Class B license to drive the <br /> Civicorps recycling and organics trucks. This internship program provides a career pathway for high risk youth seeking a career in the <br /> field of waste prevention and recycling. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-51 (1)Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda(CASA),The 90 Percent Challenge,Alameda,West <br /> County,$10,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to work with all 4th grade teachers to sign up classrooms for the Davis Street <br /> Transfer Station tour,work with all 5th grade teachers to implement the Student Action Project, sign up the Rock Steady Juggling <br /> school assembly for each school,and ensure that all middle and high schools are participating in the Service Learning Waste <br /> Reduction Project. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-52 San Francisco Department of the Environment,Food to Flowers!,San Francisco,West County, <br /> $10,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to increase diversion in the San Francisco Unified School District(SFUSD)and San <br /> Francisco's private schools by expanding the School Educational program. In conjunction with a variety of educational program <br /> offerings,schools will be given help to develop infrastructure to increase waste diversion and provide resources needed to sustain <br /> those programs. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-53 Kidango,Kidango Kids Recycle,Fremont,West County,$12,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used <br /> to purchase food waste/scrap receptacles for 58 classrooms in 31 child development centers in Alameda County;train center directors <br /> and educators in recycling;and develop integrate and implement recycling and waste prevention curriculum in the classroom <br /> educating 1300 young children and their parents. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-54 The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse,Green Educator Program Expansion,Oakland,West County, <br /> $32,285.86-Funds from this grant will be used to promote waste prevention through reuse of materials;supply schools with free <br /> materials through giveaways to individual teachers;expand the Green Educator Program in store,online,and throughout the Bay <br /> Area;and encourage teachers to use the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse and Matter of Trust Eco-Center as resources. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-55 Alameda County Early Care and Education Council/Strategic Energy Innovations,Greening Alameda <br /> County Fairgrounds,Oakland,West County,$30,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to improve recycling and waste <br /> reduction in at least 25 new preschools in Alameda County by providing them with compost bins,recycle bins and reusable tableware; <br /> giving training to children and staff to improve their knowledge of recycling and waste reduction;provide an electronic newsletter full <br /> of information about recycling,and find a permanent location for the Greening Preschools Program. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-56 Wood Middle School,Maker Space,Alameda,West County,$15,000.00-Funds from this grant will be <br /> used to create and staff a Maker Space in the school,a work space where students and community members can come to create using <br /> recycled materials. The space will enable participants to design,create and experiment using tools and materials many do not <br /> currently have access to. Maker Space will be used during the school day,in the after school program and will be open on a limited <br /> basis to community members. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-57 Nancy Deming,The Replicable Green Gloves and Beyond,Oakland,West County,$15,000.00-Funds <br /> from this grant will be used to provide a compilation and documentation of successful,implemented waste reduction and sorting case <br /> studies of its Green Gloves Program that are operating at Oakland Unified School District. Outreach and research will be done to <br /> consider incorporating other schools and districts projects and elements. The project will be created in a format that will be easy to <br /> read through,reference,customize,implement and maintain. The project will also involve reaching out and encouraging schools and <br /> districts to consider new practices and procedures. <br /> Project Grant#: 14-58 Grass Roots Recycling Network(GRRN),Zero Waste Community Development in Alameda County, <br /> Sebastopol,West County,$10,000.00-Funds from this grant will be used to finalize the Zero Waste Communities Toolkit and <br /> conduct Introduction to Zero Waste Workshops in each of the communities in Alameda County that have yet to establish a Zero Waste <br /> goal. Stakeholders and municipal staff will be invited to assist in producing the workshops and coordinate with them when possible. <br /> After the workshops there will be follow up with participants to support them in using the Zero Waste Toolkit to develop Zero Waste <br /> activities in their communities. <br />