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MOTION: It was m/s by Cook-Kallio/Pentin to approve submittal of the 2015-2023 Draft Housing <br /> Element Update to the General Plan to HCD, as amended to reflect the recommendations of the <br /> Economic Vitality Committee, and direct staff to clarify language in Program 46.5 as described. <br /> Mr. Fialho agreed that staff could work to clarify that the city is in the process of planning the east side <br /> and that inherent in that process is a commitment to not discriminate against family housing that is <br /> affordable to low and very low incomes. With direction from the Council staff would submit the new <br /> language to HCD for review and bring it forward to the Council prior to adoption. <br /> Motion carried by the following vote: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, Narum, Pentin, Mayor Thorne <br /> NOES: Councilmember Brown <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> 13. Presentation on the Bemal Avenue at 1-680 Landscape and Gateway Improvement project and <br /> monument sign; and adoption of a resolution approving the Gateway Monument Sign <br /> City Traffic Engineer Tassano introduced the item and requested approval of the resolution approving <br /> the Gateway Monument Sign, as required by Caltrans. <br /> David Gates, landscape architect, presented the design schematics. He shared several plan renderings <br /> from various views and described the gateway like components which include decorative Corten walls, <br /> a polished granite plinth raised metal lettering and drought resistant landscaping. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio asked how well the materials could be expected to withstand graffiti. <br /> Mr. Gates explained that graffiti is easily removed from granite with an acetylene torch and Corten, <br /> which is a naturally rusting surface, needs only a light scrubbing. <br /> Councilmember Brown inquired about the finish of the raised metal lettering. <br /> Mr. Gates said he believed it to be a clear-coated brushed bronze, though this could be changed. <br /> Councilmember Narum expressed an interest in adding articulations or some other interesting feature <br /> to the Corten walls to better capture a sense of the old part of town. <br /> Mr. Gates explained that the walls are serpentine in both plane and elevation, which is intended to be <br /> agrarian while also subtle and sophisticated. He suggested that they could look into other options <br /> including laser cutting to add more visual interest. <br /> Councilmember Brown said she also thought the design could more closely represent the old-town look <br /> and feel. <br /> Mr. Gates added that a 2-foot bronze rendering of the city logo would be inserted into either end of the <br /> granite plinth and thought this would also offer a good sense of history. <br /> Mr. Fialho acknowledged the Council's desire to see some more historical perspective in the design. <br /> Mr. Tassano recommended that the Council adopt the proposed resolution, which does not support the <br /> final design, so that staff may forward it to Caltrans. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 16 of 17 September 2,2014 <br />