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3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />TABLE 3.0-1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONINGS IMPACTS/HOUSING ELEMENT IMPACT DEiERMINABON <br />I <br />x <br />p¢ <br />m <br />R <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />k <br />m <br />0 <br />d <br />a <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />l Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />General Man Amendment and Rezonings <br />Supplemental BR Determination <br />[Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant <br />Biological Resources - <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />General Plan Amendment and Rezonings Impact <br />Potentially adverse effect on a scenic vista <br />Potentially damage scenic resources, including, but not <br />limited to, trees, rocks, outcroppings, and historic <br />buildings within a state scenic highway <br />Potentially degrade the existing visual character or quality <br />of Planning Area <br />Potentially create a new source of substantial light or <br />glare <br />Result in increased long -term emissions of criteria <br />pollutants associated with construction activities that <br />could contribute substantially to an air quality violation <br />Conflict with the Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan <br />Conflict with the Clean Air Plan <br />Expose sensitive receptors to substantial health risk from <br />diesel particulate matter (DPM) and other TACs from <br />mobile and stationary sources <br />Potentially include residential developments that expose <br />occupants to sources of substantial odors affecting a <br />substantial number of people <br />Potentially be inconsistent with the growth assumptions <br />of the Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan resulting in a <br />cumulative air quality impact <br />Substantial adverse effect, either directly or through <br />habitat modifications, on species identified as a candidate, <br />el <br />Ti <br />A <br />E <br />IN <br />a <br />v <br />yy <br />10 <br />E <br />tel <br />q <br />a <br />A <br />E <br />V <br />a <br />v <br />CO <br />0- <br />Impact 4.8 -1 <br />I Impact 4.B -2 <br />m <br />m <br />v <br />N <br />E <br />a <br />m <br />v <br />CO <br />E <br />Impact 4.8 -5 <br />‘p <br />m <br />v <br />4-.10V <br />E <br />'+ <br />v <br />a <br />yy <br />N <br />E <br />