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3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />TABLE 3.0-1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING$ IMPACTS/HOUSING ELEMENT IMPACT DETERMINATION <br />Housing ElemeNtlmpact <br />Determination <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />ICultural Resources <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />IGreenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Does not change the impact <br />Does not change the impact <br />General Plan Amendment and Rezonings <br />Supplemental ER Determination <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />Significant and unavoidable <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant with mitigation <br />Less than significant <br />Less than significant <br />General Plan Amendment and Runnings Impact <br />sensitive, or special- status species <br />Potentially adversely affect wetlands, streams, or riparian <br />habitat <br />Potentially interfere with the movement of any native <br />resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with <br />established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, <br />or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites <br />Conflict with local policies or ordinances protecting <br />biological resources <br />Conflict with the provisions of an adopted habitat <br />conservation plan <br />Potentially have a cumulatively considerable impact on <br />biological resources <br />Potential to adversely change the significance of historical <br />resources <br />Potential to adversely affect archaeological resources <br />Destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or <br />unique geologic feature <br />Potential to disturb human remains, including those <br />interred outside of formal cemeteries <br />Cumulative impact to historical resources <br />Potentially produce greenhouse gas emissions that could <br />exceed applicable quantitative thresholds <br />Potentially conflict with an applicable plan, policy or <br />Impact 4.0 -2 <br />Impact 4.0 -3 <br />v <br />v <br />V. <br />E <br />Impact 4.0 -5 <br />Impact 4.0 -6 <br />d <br />v <br />a <br />E <br />Impact 4.D -2 <br />Impact 4.D -3 <br />o <br />o <br />a <br />E <br />0 <br />v <br />a <br />E <br />v <br />0. <br />E <br />Impact 4.E -2 <br />