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Councilmember Cook-Kallio said that while she laments the loss of the Windstar project because of its <br /> affordable housing component, she truly appreciates the amount of money this project will generate for <br /> the affordable housing fund. She cautioned again, however, that this money means little if nothing is <br /> done with it to provide housing opportunities for working families. She also shared her appreciation for <br /> the number of jobs created by the project. She said she also had concerns regarding building height, <br /> which she shared with the City Manager and ultimately determined that the design aesthetics in the <br /> context of the surrounding area lessened these concerns. She said she was delighted over the shared <br /> police substation, the value of which was underplayed in the staff report, and pleased that the applicant <br /> has placed such a focus on sustainable transit options. <br /> Councilmember Brown said the applicant has done a tremendous job in presenting a project that is so <br /> easy to support. She reiterated the value in the initial and ongoing revenue sources, particularly school <br /> fees, generated by the project. She said she was also pleased the project would generate so many of <br /> the kinds of jobs that pay what it takes to be able to live in Pleasanton and that they are so near transit. <br /> Councilmember Narum concurred with most comments. She said she particularly liked the project <br /> architecture, though was disappointed that the parking garage would somewhat obstruct its view from I- <br /> 580. She noted that in addition to the fees directly generated by the project, there is also a benefit to be <br /> had in the other ways that Workday's employees will contribute to the larger community: She said that <br /> west Pleasanton residents, including her, are particularly excited about the police substation and what it <br /> does for the perception of safety. She said she was also very eager to see•what other benefits might <br /> come from increased vitality around the mall and the presence of such a major employer. <br /> Mayor Thome said he has been excited about this project since its inception. He said he reviewed the <br /> fiscal analysis with the City Manager earlier today and agreed that the benefits are grossly understated <br /> in the staff report. He said the project is also particularly valuable in that it brings jobs to transit, <br /> whereas the focus is sometimes too much on housing, and shared his enthusiastic support. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Pentin/Cook-Kallio to introduce and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 2100 <br /> approving the application Workday, Inc. for Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning and <br /> development plan to construct a six-story, approximately 430,000 square foot office building, parking <br /> garage, and related site improvements at 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road (adjacent to the West <br /> Dublin/Pleasanton BART station0 and PUD Major Modification to the PUD governing Stoneridge <br /> Corporate Plaza (6120-6160 Stoneridge Mall Road) to construct a parking garage, surface parking <br /> modifications, and related site improvements and to eliminate the public's use of the private landscaped <br /> area between the existing office buildings; introduced an waived first reading of Ordinance No. 2101 <br /> approving a Development Agreement between the City of Pleasanton and Workday, Inc. for said <br /> project and waived full reading and adopted Resolution No. 14-689 accepting the Mitigated Negative <br /> Declaration prepared for the project as filed under Cases PUD-104 and PUD-81-14M. Motion carried by <br /> the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Cook-Kallio, Narum, Pentin, Mayor Thome <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> BREAK <br /> Mayor Thorne called a brief recess from 8:17 p.m. to 8:23 p.m. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 17 May 20,2014 <br />
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