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up to the amount of budget set aside to pursue this approval. Additional effort that may be <br /> required could be provided as an amendment to this scope of work. <br /> Task Cost: $14,922 <br /> Task 3: Prepare U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Assessment to Comply with the <br /> Federal Endangered Species Act <br /> As mentioned in Permitting Task 1, USACE is required under federal law to consult with <br /> USFWS and/or NMFS if they would authorize (by issuance of a permit)a project that has the <br /> potential to adversely affect federally listed species under the jurisdiction of these agencies. It is <br /> assumed that no species under the jurisdiction of NMFS would be affected by the project; <br /> therefore, no consultation with NMFS is proposed <br /> AECOM will prepare a Biological Assessment, according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife's Guidance <br /> for Preparing a Biological Assessment, for use during consultation under Section 7 of the federal <br /> Endangered Species Act. This scope of work assumes that USACE will request the preparation <br /> of a Biological Assessment(BA) describing the project and effects of the project on federally- <br /> listed species for their Section 7eonsultation With USFWS. The BA would contain'a project <br /> description including plans showing the project construction area, staging areas,temporary work <br /> spaces, and project schedule; a list of measures proposed to be implemented by the City to avoid <br /> and/or minimize effects to listed species; a description of the species potentially affected; and a <br /> discussion of the potential effects to the species. <br /> Based on current knowledge of the project site and species known to occur in the vicinity <br /> (California red-legged frog), it is anticipated the BA would conclude,with incorporation of <br /> avoidance and minimization measures, that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect <br /> determination and an incidental take authorization would not be required. AECOM biologists <br /> will work with the City to support the USACE consultation with USFWS regarding potential <br /> effects on species that are federally listed or proposed for listing as Threatened or Endangered <br /> and species considered as Candidates for listing. The effort required to complete the formal <br /> consultation can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors; such as the extent of potential <br /> effects, proposed mitigation, and availability of USFWS staff assigned to the project Activities <br /> may include supporting of negotiations regarding mitigation requirements, conference calls, and <br /> Meetings. <br /> AECOM will provide a draft of the BA to the City electronically for review, incorporate <br /> comments sent to AECOM, and submit final copies to the USACE and the City. It is assumed <br /> that USACE will be given two copies of the BA and the City will receive two copies. <br /> It is assumed that one coordination meeting with USFWS may be required (typically a field visit) <br /> and will be attended by the AECOM project manager and biologist to discuss project <br /> characteristics,perriiit requirements, and permitting schedules..AECOM will provide meeting <br /> agendas, support materials(e.g.,handouts, maps), and meeting notes. Additional telephone/email <br /> coordination with USFWS will be conducted to support the permit application materials and <br /> assist in meeting the needs of the agencies. <br /> 8IPage <br />