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DRAFT <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that he thinks this is going to help. He explained that just the fact that <br /> there was a public dialogue about the issue makes everyone more aware of what the <br /> processes are. He indicated that staff has done these flow charts, and staff is going to <br /> follow through on preparation of instructional information about how to go through the <br /> process. He added that he thinks that with the regulations themselves, incompatibility or <br /> inconsistency between various sections, between the guidelines and the policies, are being <br /> eliminated. He noted that there are "should's" versus "shall's" on the same topic, and the <br /> Task Force has eliminated some of the background chatter of things that are unrealistic <br /> and are never going to happen like Historic Preservation Ordinance. He indicated that <br /> there are people in this town who value historic preservation a great deal and there are <br /> some that think it is kind of a nice issue that should be accommodated when possible. He <br /> noted that there is always going to be conflicts and not all of them will be eliminated; but <br /> some of the problems that staff and the Commission have had in the past will be <br /> eliminated. <br /> Commissioner Posson inquired if the FAR element is more or less restrictive on <br /> development. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that he thinks it is a legitimate policy issue. He stated that on its face, it is <br /> more restrictive because the outcome is currently unknown regarding how the Planning <br /> Commission or the City Council is ultimately going to interpret this generalized policy that <br /> says that new building design should draw upon the primary exterior features of <br /> Downtown's traditional design character in terms of architectural style and materials, colors, <br /> details of construction, height, floor area, bulk, massing, and setbacks. He noted that it <br /> states that these building elements should be consistent with those elements of buildings in <br /> the immediate neighborhood, and the design of new, replacement buildings should not <br /> represent a significant departure from the existing neighborhood character. He indicated <br /> that that is the existing language and that presents a struggle; what the Task Force is trying <br /> to do is make that determination more predictable. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that there was also a recommendation from Mr. MacDonald <br /> about waiting on this until the survey is done. He inquired what the practical implication of <br /> that would be. He indicated that the reason he is raising that question is to provide <br /> certainty to the folks who live in the affected area. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that he is not sure he caught Mr. MacDonald's suggestion about waiting. <br /> He stated that what he thought he heard Mr. MacDonald say was that he thinks the City <br /> should do the survey but it is not in effect until the Council approves it. Mr. Dolan stated <br /> that he sees the logic in that, but he also sees a big problem in that there will be <br /> professionals who will come to this analytical decision about whether or not one is a <br /> resource, and then it is opened up to a political process that says this one is in, and that <br /> one is out, depending on whether or not one or the other comes down and objects. He <br /> indicated that he is not sure what would be achieved if that is the process. <br /> Commissioner Posson noted that he probably misheard Mr. MacDonald's comment and <br /> that he will leave that decision up to the Council. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 21 of 28 <br />