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DRAFT <br /> Chair Pearce stated that she has been gratified in the way that this process has worked. <br /> She indicated that years ago, when the old Stanley Boulevard house came before the <br /> Commission, she was dismayed with what looked like a very chaotic process which cost a <br /> lot of people a lot of time, cost people a lot of money, and in the end made no one happy. <br /> She continued that it was compounded with situations like this, like the Cunningham house, <br /> which she thinks this FAR situation would have addressed. She stated that it seemed like <br /> the City had a process that really did not work for anyone. <br /> Chair Pearce stated that she was gratified when the Planning Commission accepted her <br /> suggestion to make this the Commission's only priority going forward to the City Council. <br /> She continued that she was gratified when the City Council put it on its list of priorities and <br /> the Task Force was created. She indicated that she has been very proud of the work this <br /> Task Force did as it was not always easy; nor should it be. She further indicated that the <br /> Task Force really kind of started this process in an effort to find out what was important to <br /> the City as a community; not what was important to the Fed's, not what was important to <br /> the State, but what was important to the City. She noted that she believes the Task Force <br /> had a great cross section in its seven members; they had some good discussions and had <br /> very robust conversations that included the public, as it should. She expressed <br /> appreciation for everybody's comments, and the Task Force had a consistent number of <br /> people come to all the meetings and provided the Task Force with their commentary, many <br /> of whom are present tonight, which she indicated she appreciated. She stated that this <br /> really reflects a lot of hard work on the Task Force level and that obviously, she is in <br /> support of all of it. <br /> Chair Pearce stated that she will address the FAR situation in particular because she <br /> knows there have been some conversations about it tonight. She noted that she believes <br /> the FAR proposal that staff has put forward would have eliminated that significant issue that <br /> the Commission had on the Cunningham house. She addressed Commissioner Olson and <br /> recalled how the entire Commission was involved trying to figure out the mass and the <br /> scale of the house by sort of just looking at it. She noted that the FAR proposal quantifies <br /> that situation that becomes mired in what people can actually figure out by eyeballing it. <br /> She added that frequently, the Commission has had people come back asking the <br /> Commission for help as they do not know what to do. She noted that in the staff report, the <br /> Commission would end up having a smattering of FAR's as a result of extensive time being <br /> spent trying to eyeball a situation. She indicated that her opinion is that this deals with that <br /> issue up front. She emphasized that the Commission wants to take the human element <br /> out; the Commission does not want to have anyone have to go through what the <br /> Cunninghams went through again, and she thinks this really rectifies that situation. <br /> Chair Pearce then stated that as Co-Chair of the Task Force, she is going to make a <br /> motion. <br /> Commissioner Posson asked to have more discussion. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 22 of 28 <br />