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DRAFT <br /> next-door property, look at aerial photographs, and come up with a reasonable estimate of <br /> what the square footage is. <br /> Commissioner Olson stated that he has looked at the Historic Context Statement and it <br /> strikes him as opening things up dramatically and making the whole process less <br /> predictable for an individual who wants to either build a home on a vacant lot or refurbish <br /> an existing house or add on to it. <br /> Mr. Dolan explained that the Historic Context Statement does not even address new <br /> homes. <br /> Commissioner Olson inquired if it will be used by folks to throw rocks at a proposal, and <br /> there have been plenty of that going on in this area. <br /> Mr. Dolan explained that it is really only a document to help decide whether something is <br /> historic or not; it is just an analysis of history and how it relates to what ended up being built <br /> on the ground and what the components of the various types of things that were built are. <br /> He indicated that the information is then used to determine if something is historic; it does <br /> not include regulations. He stated that it actually closes gaps because it makes a <br /> consistent resource for all different analysis that might be presented. He pointed out that <br /> under the current situation, the City gets various consultants, and staff review their <br /> credentials to make sure they are qualified, but they are not necessarily all using the same <br /> material to come up with their conclusions on whether or not a home meets the criteria for <br /> registration on the California Register. <br /> Commissioner Olson inquired, should this be adopted, if it would be possible to build the <br /> Jon Harvey home on Neal Street. He indicated that he views that house as an addition to <br /> the eclectic nature of the area. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that the house was always described as a craftsman home, and the issue <br /> was if it was a traditional enough craftsman. He indicated that he does not know what the <br /> conclusion of that analysis would be, but the process would be that the applicant would go <br /> look in the Context Statement and look at what the components are, the features, the <br /> physical characteristics of a craftsman, and if the proposal contains those features. He <br /> noted that if the answer is yes but it happened to be in a more modern interpretation of <br /> them, he would think that the answer would be yes. He added that that is as much as he <br /> can answer the question right now and that he is not going to say that that home would be <br /> approved exactly as it was proposed because he does not really know that and has not <br /> done that analysis. <br /> Chair Pearce asked Mr. Dolan if it is staff's opinion that, given some of the concerns seen <br /> in the Downtown Specific Plan Area with regard to homes over the past few years, those <br /> challenges would not have occurred or would not have been as problematic as they were <br /> with these modifications. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 20 of 28 <br />