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Commissioner O'Connor noted that if there were 300 units total in one area, at .7 or <br /> .8 child per unit, that would be 250 children or so. <br /> Commissioner Posson indicated that he did not make the comment on the 6th paragraph <br /> on page 2 regarding missing the treats and requested that it be corrected. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that all of this would be spelled out in the Environmental Impact <br /> Report, and it would include traffic and all those things that were mentioned. In <br /> response to Chair Blank's question, he said that staff has what they need. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that she thinks what the Commission is saying is that it is <br /> flexible, that it does not want to be dramatically different from the rest of the town but <br /> recognizes the need for units there. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired how many total acres the City has right now and how <br /> many units it has, not counting East Pleasanton. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that there are somewhere between 26,000 and 27,000 units in the <br /> City. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired how many acres there are in the City when <br /> considering adding density to this 400-acre area. <br /> Ms. Stern replied that one would have to really look at it as what is the area that is <br /> designated residential. She asked Commissioner O'Connor if he is asking about vacant <br /> areas in the City. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that the City is planning more than just residential in the <br /> East side; it is also looking at some industrial and some retail. He indicated that talking <br /> about these numbers, he is hearing people say how they do not want that much density. <br /> He asked what the density per acre is in the whole City; how many acres were <br /> developed and how many homes there are. <br /> Chair Blank noted that at that large a scale, it is almost averaging an average because <br /> there are such varying densities. He further noted that he is not sure how meaningful it <br /> would be to get the average density in the City of Pleasanton. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor noted that it means that if an area as big as 400 acres or <br /> 500 acres is being developed, then it would show know what the rest of the City has in <br /> terms of how many housing units there are in that area. He added that he thinks it <br /> would tell him if 1,000 units really was the max the City wants to go, or if it is really more <br /> like the 1,700. He stated that he thinks he knows what he would like to see, but he <br /> does not know what the whole City build-out today really is. <br /> Chair Blank stated that some questions need to be considered, such as if people who <br /> have entitlement rights to build but have not built yet are counted, or there are some <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 11 of 13 <br />