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high density housing that are already approved but has not yet built. He noted that it <br /> might be worth looking at. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that it is "built plus approved" because what the <br /> build-out is going to be here is already known. He added that this is planning for a new <br /> area so it should consider"built plus zoned," what the actual build-out would be. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that he thinks staff could come up with some metrics to make a <br /> comparison to the rest of the City; however, the average density would be a bit <br /> problematic as there are certain considerations, for example, the lakes throw everything <br /> off. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that lakes are not a developable area; what is being <br /> considered here is the 400 acres. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that if Commissioner O'Connor is referring to growth for the City, then <br /> that is a different number. <br /> Chair Blank stated that a way to do a weighted average needs to be figured out <br /> because there are going to be other areas where there is developable and <br /> non-developable acreage. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that she thinks there are a lot of ways to show whether or <br /> not this is compatible with the rest of the City. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that staff will be keeping that in mind to provide different measure <br /> points in addition to just the percentage of multi-family versus single-family. <br /> Commissioner Pearce noted that that would be helpful. <br /> Chair Blank stated that he does not mean to summarize the Commission, but he thinks <br /> that Commission has a strong sense that it wants East Pleasanton to be compatible <br /> with the rest of the community and not be different or an outlier. <br /> Commissioner Olson asked Mr. Dolan, given that RHNA allocations are not established <br /> to begin with, why the City would not include preliminary numbers from the Kiewit <br /> project and factor those into staffs analysis. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that Kiewit is included in the analysis because they will be numbers <br /> that are included in the East Side Specific Plan. He indicated that Kiewit will be <br /> developed if Alternative 1 is picked; some percentage of that 1,000 units will be on <br /> Kiewit property. <br /> Commissioner Posson noted that there were a couple questions from the speakers. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 12 of 13 <br />