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Commission's ratio is 75 to 25 and that it is being increased to 35 and 65. He asked the <br /> Commission to be cautious of the impact that is going to occur with the interjection of <br /> low-income homes. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> Chair Blank noted that the Commission is not being asked to take any specific action <br /> other than to provide additional feedback and comments, and commented that usually <br /> that is "staff speak" for"We are not really sure you guys knew what you were doing the <br /> first time around and want to give you a chance to think about it and make sure." <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that hearing the Commission reiterated that it would go up to <br /> 35 percent is actually something that maybe he did not hear clear enough the last time. <br /> He stated that he was just looking at the Minutes and noted that it was said a few times, <br /> but it did not seem like the theme. He added that a reassurance that the Commission <br /> would go that far is something that is useful to staff. <br /> Chair Blank asked staff if they have what they need. <br /> Mr. Dolan said yes, unless the Commission would consider going beyond that. <br /> Commissioner Posson asked staff, if the City goes with 35 percent of multi-family in the <br /> East Pleasanton Specific Plan area and then accommodate the remaining 2030 RHNA <br /> needs across the City, where that would bring the mix of single-family and multi-family <br /> across the City, if it would be 32 percent or 28 percent or 26 percent. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that staff has not taken the time to run the answer. He noted that it is <br /> a simple calculation but that he could not tell what it would be. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that the reason he is asking that question is because the <br /> Commission has heard a lot tonight and at the last public hearing about making sure <br /> there is an equitable distribution of these requirements across the City. He noted that <br /> the Commission came up with 35 percent, which he felt was reasonable because a new <br /> area is being planned, and the RHNA numbers are coming. He stated that in his view, <br /> the City should have some additional accommodation for additional multi-family housing <br /> in this area, and if this is going to be equitable, then it might make sense to at least run <br /> that calculation, and if it comes out to be 28 percent or 40 percent— his guess is it is <br /> probably somewhere between 25 percent and 35 percent—or what that new number <br /> might be, taking into consideration the 2030 RHNA needs, then that should be the <br /> allocation for the East Pleasanton Specific Plan area. <br /> Chair Blank stated that his understanding was basically, staff stated the last time that <br /> the Pleasanton current ratio is 75 percent to 25 percent, and the Commission is willing <br /> to go up to 35 percent/65 percent if it made sense. He indicated that he was trying to <br /> understand what numbers Commissioner Posson wanted to run and asked if it was with <br /> the general mix if the City did 35 percent in the East Pleasanton Specific Plan. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 12, 2013 Page 9 of 13 <br />