Utility User's Fees
<br /> The City has historically adjusted sewer and water rates to assure adequate funding of Sewer and Water
<br /> replacement and improvement projects. To show the availability of Sewer and Water replacement funds,
<br /> the water and sewer program is divided into expansion and replacement/ilnprovement projects.
<br /> Expansion projects are those funded by utility connection fees from development activities while
<br /> replacement/ improvement projects are funded by utility user fees, and other sources, that are transferred
<br /> from the Water and Sewer Maintenance and Operation Funds (M & 0) to the CIP for
<br /> replacement/improvement projects. While these two funding sources are generally non transferable,
<br /> from time to time, the City Council has approved loans or other financing tools that allows this
<br /> exchange. However, there are no such transfers included in this CIP. All details regarding the use of this
<br /> funding are included in the Water and Sewer detailed financial sheets located in the Appendix. Revenue
<br /> anticipated from the Water and Sewer Maintenance and Operation Funds are as follows:
<br /> Water 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total
<br /> Vineyard Corridor 4'h Tier Water Fee $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $400,000
<br /> Replacement Accrual $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $6,400,001)
<br /> Recycled Water $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $1,600,000
<br /> California Solar Initiative $110,000 $70,000 $0 $0 $180,000
<br /> Water Connection Fees $0 $113,400 $78,165 $40,965 $232,530
<br /> Interest Earning $104,000 $97,500 $106,500 $115,000 $423,000
<br /> Subtotal Water Revenue $2,314,000 $2,380,900 $2,284,665 $2,255,965 $9,235,530
<br /> Sewer
<br /> Replacement Accrual $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $4,800,000
<br /> California Solar Initiative $8,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $13,000
<br /> Sewer Connection Fees $0 $45,500 $79,250 $63,750 $188,500
<br /> Interest Earning $17,000 $17,600 $21,600 $25,600 $81,800
<br /> Subtotal Sewer Revenue $1,225,000 $1,268,100 $1,300,850 $1,289,350 $5,083,300
<br /> TOTAL UTILITY REVENUES $3,539,000 $3,649,000 $3,585,515 $:;,545,315 $14,318,830
<br /> Transfers from the General Fund
<br /> As detailed in the current Mid-Term CIP, staff anticipated restarting a General Fund contribution to the
<br /> CIP. The contribution has not occurred over the past few years as the City focused its attention on
<br /> maintaining service levels in view of a struggling economy that has impacted City revenues overall. To
<br /> that end, this CIP includes a General Fund transfer of$1,000,000 in FY 2013-14 and $1,300,000 in FY
<br /> 2014-15. All of this funding is being allocated to the Bernal Community Park, Phase II Multi-Purpose
<br /> Lighted Sports Fields project. Note that this funding is tentative and subject to adjustment based on the
<br /> overall condition of the economy and the corresponding need to provide ongoing services. However,
<br /> staff has continued to make adjustments to the operating budget with the goal of resuming the
<br /> contributions and the City's operating budget is presented assuming this transfer.
<br />