Local Development Related Fees
<br /> This category of revenue consists of fees collected by the City to offset the impact of new development.
<br /> The major sources and expected revenue from these sources are as follows:
<br /> Fee Type FY2013-14 FY2014-15 FY20I5-16 FY2016-17 Total
<br /> Traffic Impact Fees $406,315 $200,000 $62,000 $223,000 $891,315
<br /> In-lieu Park Dedication Fees $291,210 $194,140 $58,242 $181,000 $724,592
<br /> Public Facilities Fees $408,317 $638,052 $506,096 $5C0,000 $2,052,465
<br /> Water Utility Connection Fees $113,400 $78,165 $40,965 $77,000 $309,530
<br /> Sewer Connection Fees $45,500 $79,250 $63,750 $62,000 $250,500
<br /> 'Cri-Valley"Transportation Fees $220,000 $71,000 $60,000 $117,000 $468,000
<br /> Dougherty Valley Mitigation Fees $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 88,000 $32,000
<br /> TOTAL $1,492,742 $1,268,607 $799,053 E $1,168,000 $4,728,402
<br /> As indicated previously, these fees are available for expenditure in the fiscal year following the calendar
<br /> year. As a result, $2,972,733 collected in calendar year 2012, are generally included in beginning
<br /> balances for FY 2013-14. Fees collected during calendar year 2013 are programmed for FY 2014-15. In
<br /> projecting development related fees, staff has taken a conservative approach so that the CIP includes
<br /> revenue projections only from projects that have been fully approved by the City Council and from
<br /> projects that are expected to move forward in a specific year. However, if development does not occur
<br /> as projected, staff will make the necessary adjustments as part of the Mid-Term C1P without affecting
<br /> current year funding.
<br /> Also, note that development fee revenue in the last three years of the CIP is based on the anticipated date
<br /> that fully approved projects will pull building permits and pay fees. As a result, this CIP does not
<br /> include any of the fee revenue that will be generated from the recently approved California Center
<br /> Project or projects that will be reviewed in the near future, such as the St. Anton and Ring Financial
<br /> (Auf der Maur) development. Revenue from these projects will be included only after staff is assured
<br /> that building permit issuance is anticipated.
<br /> Notwithstanding the above, because the City does not control the timeline for these developments, and
<br /> the development fee projections are staff's best estimate of anticipated development activity. Should
<br /> projects scheduled for calendar year 2013 not occur, the revenue projections will be adjusted as part of
<br /> the Mid-Term CIP. Likewise, if new projects emerge, adjustments will be made at that time. In general,
<br /> development projections must be viewed as tentative since even approved projects may be affected by
<br /> the economy and the health of the housing and construction industry that is generally beyond the City's
<br /> control.
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