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VIII. CONCLUSION <br /> Staff believes that the proposed site plan and positioning of the buildings are appropriate for the <br /> subject property. The applicant has included an adequate amount of usable open space and <br /> landscaped areas within the project given the site constraints. Staff finds the building design to <br /> be attractive and that the architectural style, finish colors, and materials will complement the <br /> surrounding development. The project also would provide affordable rental housing which <br /> would help the City meet its lower income housing goals. <br /> IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions: <br /> 1. Find that the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 have not occurred as <br /> described in the Addendum to the SEIR and find that the previously prepared SEIR, <br /> including the adopted CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the <br /> Addendum to the SEIR are adequate to serve as the environmental documentation for this <br /> project and satisfy all the requirements of CEQA; <br /> 2. Find that the proposed PUD development plan and development agreement are consistent <br /> with the General Plan; <br /> 3. Make the PUD findings for the proposed development plan as listed in the staff report; <br /> 4. Find that the exceptions to the Housing Site Development Standards and Design Guidelines <br /> as listed in the staff report are appropriate; and <br /> 5. Adopt resolutions recommending approval of: 1) Case PUD-85-08-1D-4M, PUD major <br /> modification and development plan, subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A; <br /> and 2) Case P13-0030, a development agreement for the project, and forward the <br /> applications to the City Council for public hearing and review. <br /> For questions or comments about this proposal,please contact: Steve Otto, Senior Planner at 925-931-5608 or <br /> <br /> PUD-85-08-1D-4M Page - 33 - March 27, 2013 <br />