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The SEIR included some mitigation measures that needed to be addressed prior to issuance of a <br /> building permit for a project (e.g., pre-construction bat survey, air quality construction plan, <br /> etc). These mitigation measures have been addressed in the draft conditions of approval for this <br /> project. <br /> The SEIR included a Statement of Overriding Considerations for two significant and <br /> unavoidable impacts: <br /> Impact 4.D-1: Development facilitated by the General Plan Amendment and rezoning has the <br /> potential to adversely change the significance of historic resources. <br /> The Irby-Kaplan-Zia and Pleasanton Mobilehome Park properties on Stanley Boulevard contain <br /> older structures that may be historic. Mitigation measures in the SEIR required that historic <br /> evaluations be conducted for the structures before they could be demolished. If deemed to be <br /> historic through these evaluations, the demolition of these structures to make way for new <br /> housing would be a significant and unavoidable impact. Staff notes that the Irby-Kaplan-Zia <br /> and Pleasanton Mobilehome Park properties were ultimately not included in the nine sites that <br /> were selected for multifamily housing. <br /> Impact 4.N-7: Development facilitated by the General Plan Amendment and rezonings could <br /> potentially add traffic to the regional roadway network to the point at which they would operate <br /> unacceptably under Cumulative Plus Project conditions. <br /> Traffic generated by development facilitated under the proposed Housing Element on the <br /> potential sites for rezoning would not worsen any segment projected to operate acceptably to <br /> unacceptable conditions; however, it would increase the volume to capacity ratio (V/C) by more <br /> than 0.03 on two roadway segments projected to operate at LOS F: Sunol Boulevard (First <br /> Street) between Vineyard Avenue and Stanley Boulevard under Year 2015 and 2035 conditions; <br /> and Hopyard Road between Owens Drive and I-580 under 2035 conditions. Based on the <br /> significance criteria, this is considered a significant impact. Existing development surrounding <br /> these roadways would need to be removed in order to widen them, rendering such widening <br /> infeasible. However, there are improvements that could be made to nearby parallel corridors <br /> which could create more attractive alternative routes and lessen the traffic volumes on Sunol <br /> Boulevard and Hopyard Road. A mitigation measure of the SEIR requires developers of the <br /> potential sites for rezoning to contribute fair-share funds through the payment of the City of <br /> Pleasanton and Tri-Valley Regional traffic impact fees to help fund future improvements to <br /> local and regional roadways. However, because the City cannot be assured that the collected <br /> regional funds would be spent to specifically improve the nearby parallel corridors as the <br /> regional funds are used by the regional agency, the traffic impact remained significant and <br /> unavoidable. Staff notes that the traffic impacts of the nine sites ultimately selected would be <br /> considerably less than the traffic impacts analyzed in the SEIR. Furthermore, the proposed <br /> project has 115 fewer units and 2,480 fewer square feet of retail area than were analyzed in the <br /> SEIR, further reducing traffic impacts. <br /> PUD-85-08-1 D-4M Page - 32 - March 27, 2013 <br />