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EXHIBIT C <br /> P12-1220, Pleasant Partners, LLC/RREEF America, LLC <br /> Work Session to review and receive comments on a preliminary application to <br /> construct 305 apartment units, two retail buildings totaling approximately <br /> 7,520 square feet, new surface parking and a parking garage to serve the existing <br /> office uses, and related site improvements at the California Center property at <br /> 4400-4460 Rosewood Drive. Zoning for the property is PUD-HDR (Planned Unit <br /> Development— High Density Residential) and PUD-I/C-O (Planned Unit <br /> Development— Industrial/Commercial-Office) Districts. <br /> Steve Otto presented the staff report and described the scope, layout, and key elements <br /> of the proposal. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired what the parking ratio came out to with the addition of <br /> the one additional parking space. <br /> Mr. Otto replied that the Standards require 1.5 spaces per unit for the residences, and <br /> 1 guest space per 10 units. <br /> Commissioner Blank inquired what a Class I bikeway is as opposed to a Class II. <br /> Mr. Otto explained that the Class I bikeway that was approved in the P easanton <br /> Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is a ten-foot paved bikeway, with four feet of <br /> decomposed granite on the side. <br /> Chair Pentin added that would be two feet on each side. <br /> Commissioner Blank noted that the design is a little weak on the Pleasanton look. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> Martin Inderbitzen, representing the Applicant, stated that the property owner is <br /> represented tonight by Mark English. He thanked Mr. Otto for doing a very complete <br /> and thorough job describing the project and that his team, who is also present tonight, <br /> will try not to repeat any of it as they present additional information to get more flavor for <br /> the project. <br /> Mr. Inderbitzen stated that, as mentioned by Mr. Otto, this site was originally one of the <br /> sites of the PacBell break-ups and became AT&T about 25 years ago, pretty much with <br /> the beginning of the Hacienda Business Park. He noted that Hacienda Business Park's <br /> design during those early years was really kind of internal-faced, and as an <br /> office/campus site, this site fits that mold with big thoroughfares going through the <br /> Business Park and big setbacks around the perimeter of the site. <br /> Mr. Inderbitzen stated that the owners of this project acquired the site about seven <br /> years ago, and they would like to bring it up to date, more into the 21st century. He <br /> continued that this dovetailed with the City's Housing Element Update and the <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2012 Page 1 of 11 <br />