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Green Building <br /> As required by the City's Green Building Ordinance, the proposed project is required to qualify <br /> for at least 50 points on Alameda County Waste Management Authority's "Multifamily Green <br /> Building Rating System." The applicant has proposed to incorporate green building measures <br /> into the project to allow it to qualify for 97 points. Some of the proposed green building <br /> measures include: installing water-efficient fixtures; exceeding Title 24 state energy <br /> conservation requirements by 15%; installing Energy Star® dishwashers; installing gearless <br /> elevators (use less energy and do not require lubricating oils); and utilizing zero or low volatile <br /> organic compound (VOC) emitting paints, coatings, caulks, adhesives, and sealants. Please see <br /> the attached Green Building checklist for the complete list of the proposed Green Building <br /> items. <br /> The applicant has proposed to exceed the 50-point minimum. Staff appreciates that the <br /> applicant has included a considerable number of green building measures in the project. <br /> Climate Action Plan <br /> On February 7, 2012, the City of Pleasanton adopted a Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP <br /> was reviewed by the Bay Area Quality Management District and was deemed a "Qualified <br /> Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy" in accordance with the District's CEQA guidelines. <br /> Implementation of the CAP will occur over several years and will consist of amendments to <br /> regulations and policies related to Land Use and Transportation, Energy, Solid Waste, and <br /> Water and Wastewater, which will result in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in <br /> compliance with the targets set by AB 32 California's Global Warming Solutions Act. In <br /> advance of full implementation of the City's CAP, staff had requested that the applicant prepare <br /> a checklist indicating specific items it would implement to support the CAP (Exhibit B). <br /> As a mixed-use, high-density residential/commercial project located near BART, several <br /> commuter bus lines, and located within a major employment center, the project is generally <br /> consistent with Goal 1 of the CAP: to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) through mixed-use, <br /> infill, and higher density development. In addition, several Strategies and Supporting Actions <br /> related to parking, transit use, water conservation, and energy conservation from the CAP are <br /> implemented in the proposed project or recommended conditions of approval. <br /> School Impacts <br /> A condition of approval requires the project developer to work with the Pleasanton Unified <br /> School District and the City Director of Community Development to develop a program, in <br /> addition to the school impact fees required by State law and local ordinance, to offset this <br /> project's long-term effect on school facility needs in Pleasanton. This program will be designed <br /> to fund school facilities necessary to offset this project's reasonably related effect on the long- <br /> term need for expanded school facilities to serve new development in Pleasanton. Construction <br /> PUD-85-08-1D-4M Page - 21 - March 27, 2013 <br />