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will not be allowed to start until the terms of this program and/or funds have been approved by <br /> the City. <br /> Landscaping <br /> Preliminary landscape plans have been provided for the site, including enlargements of the <br /> plazas, podium open space, and community buildings. Although the landscape plans are <br /> conceptual, staff believes that the species, quantities, and sizes of the proposed landscaping for <br /> the site is consistent with the Standards and Hacienda Guidelines and is generally appropriate. <br /> A condition of approval requires that detailed landscape and irrigation plans be provided at the <br /> building permit stage subject to the review and approval by the Director of Community <br /> Development. <br /> Tree Removal <br /> A tree report has been prepared that specifies the species, size, health, and value of the existing <br /> trees on the site that exceed six-inches in diameter. As indicated in the report, a total of 305 <br /> trees would need to be removed to accommodate the development, including 47 "heritage-sized" <br /> trees (i.e., a tree which measures 35 feet or greater in height or which measures 55 inches or <br /> greater in circumference). Staff notes that the tree report indicates that tree n.os. 475-481 located <br /> south of the proposed parking garage would be saved, but the plans indicate they would be <br /> removed to accommodate new parking spaces. In addition, staff believes that tree nos. 493, 494, <br /> 511, 512, 521, and 522 near the proposed parking garage would most likely need to be removed <br /> based on the limits of grading and proposed improvements and utilities where these trees are <br /> located. One additional non-heritage-sized tree (no. 715) would need to be removed to <br /> accommodate the modification to the bus stop. Accounting for these trees, a total of 319 trees <br /> could be removed to accommodate the development, including 48 heritage-sized trees. All of <br /> the trees to be removed are ornamental species that were planted in 1987-88 with the <br /> development of the office complex. Tree species to be removed include Chinese tallow, <br /> blackwood acacia, callery pear, southern live oak, white alder, crab apple, Canary Island pine, <br /> albizia, and evergreen ash. <br /> Program 2.1 of the General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element indicates that where <br /> preservation of heritage trees is not feasible, the City will require tree replacement or a <br /> contribution to the Urban Forestry Fund. The value of the 48 heritage trees to be removed is <br /> $158,850. The applicant would install a total of 540 24-inch-box-sized trees with the proposed <br /> project. The installed value of the replacement trees (including labor to install, soil preparation, <br /> and tree stakes) is approximately $175,500. Staff finds the tree replacement to be acceptable <br /> mitigation. <br /> PUD-85-08-ID-4M Page - 22 - March 27, 2013 <br />